Pectin - good and bad

Translated from the Greek language, the word "pectin" means "frozen." This substance refers to food soluble fibers. It helps to store food longer and keep moisture in them. For industrial purposes, pectin is extracted from citrus fruits, apples, sunflower and sugar beet. The first pectin was isolated from fruit juice 200 years ago, after which the scientists discovered extraordinary properties of this substance. It cleanses the body of toxins, while maintaining the microflora of the intestine, and regulates metabolism.

Pectin composition

Today pectin or E440 is a food additive. In fact, it is a purified polysaccharide, which is derived from plant material. It is simultaneously a thickener, stabilizer, gellant and clarifier. Pectin in food is contained in a different number. Pectin is in the form of a liquid extract and a powder. Both species are actively used in various food products. Liquid pectin is designed for hot products, and the powder can be mixed with cold juices. On sale on shelves in shops pectin in the form of a powder is most often met.

Properties of pectin

Pectin has a gelling property. Therefore, it is actively used in the food industry. This substance is used in various confectionery products, dairy products, as well as ketchup and mayonnaise. Of particular value are pectins obtained from apples. According to the peculiarities of gelling in different media, two groups of pectins are distinguished: low-esterified and highly esterified. Due to the gelling property, pectins are used as thickeners, stabilizers, sorbents and gellants. Another important property of pectins is complex formation. Thanks to it, pectins act as detoxicants, which remove nitrates, radionuclides, heavy metals and many other unnecessary things from the body, while sparing the microflora.

What is useful for pectin?

The greatest advantage of pectin is the normalization of metabolism . It lowers cholesterol, improves intestinal peristalsis and peripheral circulation. This substance is involved in the purification processes of the body. Pectin removes heavy metals, pesticides, radioactive elements, and other harmful compounds. Therefore, pectin can safely be called a "health order of the body."

The use of pectin exists in pharmaceuticals. It has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and in ulcer diseases it appears as a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Pectin is a low-calorie substance. In 100 grams of the product contains 52 kcal. But besides the benefits of pectin brings and harm.

Contraindications to pectin

This substance should only be used with a sense of proportion. With an excess of pectin, the body can absorb absorption of important elements for humans, namely calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. The consequence of the non-normalized use of this substance may be observed flatulence, fermentation in the intestines, a decrease in digestibility of proteins and fats. The so-called overdose can not be caused by products containing pectin. Pectin is found in small quantities in vegetables, fruits and berries, so it can not cause harm. The danger lies in the products into which this substance is added by artificial means, in the form of biologically active additives. In them, the amount of pectin can exceed the permissible norm.

To replace pectin, gelatin , cornstarch or agar-agar will work. Adherents of natural pectin can, for example, use fresh fruits for jelly.