Human Instincts

Life and human activity are subject to certain instincts. For its existence, nature forces us to remain in constant search for food, clothing and other material goods. In a society, people try to assert themselves and get recognition from other people. For the continuation of a kind, a person needs to tie relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, to marry and have children. There are many factors on which our entire life depends directly. They can be designated by three basic instincts.

What did nature endow?

Just the same instincts provide a person the main advantage in life, playing the role of a powerful impulse to achieve the set goals. With their help, you can motivate yourself to succeed in any activity. When a person does not control himself, he moves with instincts. This process is quite simple, and often very effective. The fact is that when actions and desires are realized, you can resist manipulation, resort to such techniques yourself, and with great success achieve results. There are three basic (basic) instincts:

  1. The desire for self-preservation and survival.
  2. Sexual instinct (procreation).
  3. Instinct of the leader.

Human instincts generate needs:

In the same way, there are other natural instincts: the mother, the instinct of defending one's territory, the instinct of following, when we involuntarily repeat what others do. Unlike animals, we can control our instincts with our mind and spirit. It is also worth noting that animals survive only at the expense of instincts, while man owes his knowledge.

In details

The instinct of self-preservation in man is based on fears for one's health and well-being, makes us be cautious and show responsibility. It can be considered higher than the rest.

The desire to continue their kind and desire for power is based on the survival instinct.

Sexual instinct is nothing more than the need to leave behind a posterity, which also indicates a desire for self-preservation.

In the issue of power, it can be noted that it is also needed by a person for greater security. If a person reasonably thinks and acts consciously, then any of his phobias loses power. Anyone who understands the causes of fears can easily eliminate them. Faster than all die those who are afraid of it, because they are driven by an inadequate instinct of self-preservation. Blinded by the desire to rule, people often "lose their mind," which also leads to unpleasant consequences. It should also be noted how many silly things happen because of problems with the opposite sex. All these fears and fears Unconscious and you need to get rid of them.

Herd instinct in humans is conditioned by psychological necessity. The crowd is associated with strength in many. Strength means protection. And again it turns out that the basis of this instinct is the fear for one's life and the desire for self-preservation. Weak-minded people who do not want to take responsibility and are not able to defeat their fears are following a crowd where there is a "leader". The latter, in turn, hones the skill of manipulation.

Do not let your fears dominate you. Manage your instincts and take control of your life.