Spiritual values

Spiritual values ​​of a person testify to its highest level of development , about personal maturity. By its very nature, spirituality itself is not just a structure, but a way of human existence, which includes responsibility and freedom.

It is these values ​​that help each person to break out of isolation, limited only by material needs. Thanks to them, a person becomes part of the creative energy of higher powers. He is able to go beyond the limits of his own inner self, having opened up in interrelation with the world at a higher level of development.

It is important to note that spiritual values ​​motivate a person to commit certain actions, radically different from ordinary, mundane. In addition, they act as a prerequisite for responsibility, granting personal freedom, infinity.

Types of spiritual values

1. Smyslozhiznennye values are ideals, the main life guide, linking the universe of the personality with dehumanized existence. They have a purely individual character, both for the individual himself and for the history of each culture. The main concepts inherent in this species are life and death, the opposition of good and evil, peace and war. The past, memory, the future, time, the present, eternity - it is these ideological values ​​that are undermined by the individual. They form an idea of ​​the world as a whole, which, undoubtedly, is peculiar to every culture. In addition, such philosophical and philosophical values ​​help determine the relationship of each of us to others, about the place in this world. Ideas about individuality, freedom, humanism and creativity help us in this. It is worth noting that they are bordering on values ​​that are related to the second species.

2. Moral refers to those spiritual values ​​that help the individual to regulate her relationships with people in terms of eternal struggle between existing and proper actions, concepts. This category of values ​​is associated with such unwritten laws as: prohibitions, principles, norms, regulations. The main things here are good and evil. The representation of a person about them determines, first of all, the interpretation of the following values: dignity, humanity, justice and mercy. It is with their help that man is able to see himself as a part of all mankind. Thanks to these concepts, the main, "golden" rule of morality is formulated: "Do unto others as you would like to be treated in relation to you." Moral values ​​regulate the relationship between communities, groups of people and also includes the following concepts:

3. Aesthetic values associated with the creation of harmony, its identification. The feeling of psychological comfort comes precisely when the individual manages to establish relations with the world, with others and with himself. This category of spiritual values ​​plays an important role in human life, because they are closely related to its emotional culture, ability to experience strong character , the ability to feel different shades of feelings and moods. Aesthetic values ​​are representations of integrity, perfection and include: comic, beautiful, tragic and sublime.

Spiritual and moral values

Moral values ​​are a set of norms that form the moral code of each person. They, along with the spiritual form the basis of society. Thus, spiritual values ​​are a dimension of life not by the number of new material acquisitions and the amount of money in the wallet, but moral principles are principles that are fundamental for a person in any situation. They will not break it under any circumstances.