Rune of Fortune

Runes are known as the ancient writing of the Germans. The rune sign is a powerful mystical symbol that can awaken both the sacred forces and the natural. Therefore in ancient times in the magical practice used runes. Talismans, healing amulets and protective amulets, bringing good luck and happiness, are made with runes.

Amulet with the rune Fehu (the rune of luck and wealth) repeated three times, is used to attract money and create material and financial well-being. It is installed by Feng Shui from the entrance door to the far left corner (corner of well-being).

What runes bring good luck?

The combination of runes (runogram) Kenaz-Fehu-Vuño:

  1. Kenaz - gives good luck and reveals creativity , supports new beginnings, helps to find the right direction and to realize the conceived;
  2. Fehu - helps to acquire wealth and retain what has been acquired;
  3. Vuño - promises the execution of ideas, helps to preserve well-being and gives joy and pleasure from accomplishments.

A runogram is a formula that consists of three, four or more directional runes. When composing a runogram, signs of a specific location are used. The first sign it represents the outcome itself, which you want to achieve. And the last should be the final result, which you are trying to achieve.

The rune of luck and happiness is the runic ligature Anzuz - Uruz - Yaro - Anzuz (formula AUJA), in the amulet attracts luck and happiness. Runes for luck and money - a combination of runes: Fehu - Ingus - Odal is one way to attract luck and money.

Runes of money are worth imagining in the water, and then drink it. Also, runes can be painted with oil (ethereal) on the body, painted on a purse or paper, scratched on a card (bank) or a candle, in other - everywhere, wherever it suits. Runes for luck and wealth: Gebo-Fehu-Perth-Odal - this combination of runes promotes luck in getting wealth.

Rune of wealth is the main rune for attracting money. It brings wealth and helps to acquire material prosperity. In order for all the runes to work, and to attract money, focus and visualize the money desire. Moreover, if you want to learn something by using the runes, then you must be sure in your actions and the intention should be strong and then the runes will become a mirror of your inner world.