Than to treat the child at the first signs of a cold?

A caring mother knows how important prevention of colds in babies is. Parents remember the benefits of sports, walking in the fresh air, strengthening immunity. But children can still get sick. Most often they suffer from a cold. Usually this means viral infections. It is believed that children who go to kindergarten, can be ill about 10 times a year. This figure is very conditional, but it says that parents should be ready for ARVI their children. It is important to know what to treat a child at the first sign of a cold. Timely help will make it possible not to start ailment, and prompt actions will help a speedy recovery.

How to treat the first symptoms of a cold in a child?

To prevent the development of the disease, you need to notice signs of a viral infection at the time. They include:

Even before the appearance of these symptoms, the baby can complain of headache, fatigue. If her mother suspected that she was sick, she had to start acting. On the first day of a cold a child needs to take measures, and the doctor should decide what to treat. The choice of drugs will depend on the type of virus that the baby is infected with. Parents will be helped by such recommendations:

Vasodilating drops should be used only if breathing is very difficult.

Also, it's not at all superfluous to get your baby's legs, especially after a hypothermia or a winter walk.

Treatment of the first symptoms of colds in children sometimes requires medication. You may need antiviral drugs. These include Remantadin, Arbidol. Also used drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect, such as Anaferon, Viferon, Laferobion.

The temperature is brought down by Panadol, Effergangan, Nurofen. But do not give medicine if the values ​​on the thermometer do not reach 38 ° C. Treatment of a child with the first signs of a cold will be facilitated by taking ascorbic acid. If the condition worsens, you need to notify the doctor.