Betargin in ampoules with acetone in children

Acetonemia, or the presence in the blood and urine of a child of acetone or other ketone bodies, is a dangerous enough condition that rapidly progresses and can even threaten the baby's life. The cause of this pathology can be both temporary metabolic disorders and serious chronic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus.

In any case, regardless of the cause, acetone is necessary to be treated immediately to stop its development and to reduce the level of danger for crumbs. One of the most common and effective dietary supplements, most often prescribed by doctors with acetone in children, is Betargin in ampoules.

In this article we will tell you how children need to take Betargin in ampoules, and also what contraindications this additive has.

The use of the dietary supplement Betargin in children

Betargin contains the amino acids arginine and betaine, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the hepatobiliary system and normalize its function. When acetone is a syndrome, it is very important to support the baby's liver and help her cope with the tasks assigned to her. Dietary supplement Betargin perfectly helps to reduce the level of acetone in the blood of a child for a short period of time and improves his overall well-being.

According to the instructions, Betargin can be used with acetone for children over 3 years old. In this case, it is necessary to open the ampoule on both sides and dilute its contents in 100 ml of pure water. This solution should be given to the child every 10-15 minutes for 1 teaspoonful. Betargin has a pleasant enough taste, and even the smallest babies usually do not refuse to drink it. A day is recommended taking 2 ampoules.

The duration of the dietary supplement in each case is determined by the doctor.

Contraindications to taking Betargin remedy for children

Betargin has almost no contraindications. Meanwhile, one should not take this supplement during the period of exacerbation of a cholelithic or urolithiasis in a child.

In addition, like any other dietary supplement, Betargin can cause individual intolerance. In this situation, the drug should be stopped as soon as possible and consult a doctor to choose another medication.