Adenoids in children - symptoms

The child of younger age most often suffers from catarrhal diseases. The first place belongs to the diseases of the ENT organs. These diseases include adenoids (adenoidal disorders) - an increase in lymphoid tissue in the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Adenoids in themselves are necessary in the body, as they perform a protective function and prevent the penetration of harmful microorganisms through the air into the child's body.

Where are the adenoids in the child?

Nasopharyngeal tonsils are located in the upper part of the pharynx, behind the sky and represent elevations of small size on the surface of the pharyngeal mucosa.

How do adenoids look in children?

In order to understand how to recognize the adenoids in a child, you need to know how they look.

Normally, adenoids in a child are somewhat larger than in adults. But by age 12 they are decreasing and becoming the same size as an adult. In some adolescents adenoids may disappear altogether. This is due to the fact that the children's immune system has an increased load, since the child is more likely to be exposed to infectious diseases.

Adenoids are the lymphoid tissue that forms part of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is located deep inside the nasopharynx, so it is difficult to notice with an external examination of the adenoid. They can be seen at a reception at an ENT doctor using special instruments: a mirror (a rhinoscope), light optics (an endoscope).

How to identify adenoids in a child?

Adenoids in children have the following symptoms:

Due to difficulties with night sleep and breathing during the day, parents notice that their child does not get enough sleep, becomes sluggish. If a child goes to school, then he has poor academic performance.

The existing signs of adenoids in children require treatment to the otolaryngologist.

Degrees of adenoids

Depending on the severity of the disease, the adenoids are divided according to the degree of severity:

Consequences of adenoids in children

If the disease is started, then the most severe consequences are possible:

There is a so-called "adenoid" face - open mouth, smoothed nasolabial folds, twitching of facial muscles. Subsequently, the baby may have shortness of breath and cough. Also, adenoids in children have anemia.

The increase in adenoids in the child requires special attention from the parents and consultation of the specialized doctor, since in case of their proliferation they can have a negative impact on the work of the auditory and speech apparatus.

If there are some signs of inflammation of the adenoids in a child, then an important role is played by the degree of expression of space, which is closed by hoyana. Since in the case of a pronounced disease, surgery may be necessary - adenotomy ( removal of adenoids ).