Chlamydia in children: symptoms

The causative agents of chlamydia are chlamydia - intracellular parasites. They do not have their own life support equipment, so they are able to live and actively multiply only inside the cells of our body, destroying them. These bacteria, while out of the body, are in a "waiting mode", and as soon as they get inside, they come to life and unfold a stormy activity. Chlamydia is a disease that is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Therefore, many believe that it can only get infected by adults. This is a misconception. Bacteria can survive in the air, so you can catch the infection through common household items.

Symptoms of chlamydia in children

In children, chlamydia often takes on a respiratory form and proceeds like pneumonia, bronchitis, or conjunctivitis. Pulmonary chlamydia in children is accompanied by a dry cough, attacks of suffocation, "wheezing" breathing, redness of the throat and temperature. These symptoms are typical for many colds and infectious diseases, so early diagnosis of chlamydia is almost impossible. Diagnosis helps to put the fluorography and blood test.

A child can become infected with chlamydia when passing through the infected ways of the mother. Therefore, during pregnancy it is very important to monitor the purity of the genital organs and to take tests in time. Chlamydia, obtained during labor, most often manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis. Its first manifestation is reddening of the eyes and the appearance of purulent discharge. But when sowing pus, the bacterial flora, as a rule, is not detected.

How to treat chlamydia in children?

If the child has a dry cough or other symptoms, you need to see a doctor. If the diagnosis of chlamydia is confirmed, you will most likely be referred to a hospital. Treatment of chlamydia in children takes, as a rule, one to two weeks. Assign macrolide antibiotics, for example, erythromycin, etc. They are often combined with biseptol or furazolidone. When conjunctivitis apply ointment, which several times a day put into the eyes. And with bronchitis or pneumonia, the antibiotic is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.

Prophylaxis of chlamydia

In order to prevent infection, avoid contact with patients. Make sure that the child has his own hygiene items (towel, comb, brush). During pregnancy, pass, preventive examinations and take tests. It is necessary for timely detection of the disease and prevention of serious consequences.