Carp baked in the oven

Late autumn is a wonderful period when the river fish is already beginning to prepare for the coming winter, because its meat becomes unusually tasty and fat. Let's prepare the crucian, very tasty baked in the oven.

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Carefully clean off the crucian with rough scales, cut out the gills, without touching the head, rip open his abdomen and extract from him unnecessary internals. Now we wash the fish in a lot of cold water, dry it with a waffle towel and rub it in all available places with salt.

Fresh onions thinly shchuem on a quarter of the ring and mix it with sliced ​​marinated mushrooms. In the same bowl we press through a special press cleaned chives of garlic and add finely chopped parsley. Fill this wonderful mixture with the entire cavity of the abdomen, and the carcass of fish, with the help of a silicone brush, is coated with fat mayonnaise. On the baking sheet we lay the cut of oiled food foil and lay out the crucian carp in the center, which we additionally decorated with lemon grass. Tightly wrap the fish and put everything in the oven, already warmed to 185 degrees temperature. In 35-40 minutes our incomparable fish will be ready!

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We scrape fresh scales with scales, carefully cut off the heads, clean out the inner parts of the abdomen and cut the fins with scissors. Each crucian car wash under a stream of cold water and let them dry a little. With a sharp knife we ​​make frequent transverse incisions along the entire length of each fish carcass. Then add all the fish in one large bowl and abundantly water it with a salty soy sauce. In this form, we leave everything for 1.5 hours.

We peel the medium-sized potatoes and cut them into 4-5 lobules, sprinkle a little salt and mix everything with hands. A deep baking tray or a good form is smeared with oil. Compactly we put carp into it and in intervals between carcasses we evenly distribute potato slices.

Introduce sour cream finely chopped chives and pour this delicious mixture of the formed dish. We send it to the oven heated up to 180 degrees and cook very delicious carp with potatoes for about 45 minutes.

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Prepared karase abundantly rubbed with salt, sprinkled with a mixture of different peppers and put them in a deep and wide bowl. From above water all the fish just squeezed out of fresh lemon juice and leave it to stand in a cool place for about an hour.

A form with high sides is well spread with refined oil. Throughout the bottom, we evenly distribute half the rings of onions, on top of which we spread out all the carrots. We close them with the second part of a fresh onion and fill the dish with fat mayonnaise. At the center of the oven heated to 195 degrees, we set the shape with crucian carp and bake them for only 25-30 minutes.