Problems of modern youth

The modern world is very active and rapidly changing. Changes occur in people, especially young people. Actual problems of youth reflect the imperfections and vices of the whole society. Therefore, the solution of these difficulties will affect the welfare of the whole society.

Unemployment of youth as a social problem

Problems of this nature come from the economic instability of the state, unable to provide the necessary number of jobs, the reluctance of employers to accept low-skilled and inexperienced employees. The problem of employing young people also consists in the financial claims of young professionals who are not shared by employers. Thus, young people are looking for a job, but they can not get settled, because of which they do not have a livelihood. This leads to the search for illegal earnings, which often leads to crime, drug dependence, leads to poverty, contributes to the development of housing problems of young people. State programs to provide young families with their own homes are practically not implemented. A mortgage becomes an unbearable yoke.

The problems of moral education of youth

Not having life prospects, forced to fight for survival, many young guys and girls become part of the criminal world. Social insecurity of families, the need to search for money affect the culture and education of young people: they move away from study, spiritual ideals

Low living conditions, unfitness, lack of implementation pushes young people to try alcohol and drugs. The problem of alcoholism among young people is monstrous. Needless to say: every second high school student drinks alcohol twice a week. The problem of drug addiction among young people is also topical. By the way, such dependence arises not only among children from low-income families: many drug addicts are children of wealthy parents.

The size of the problem of smoking among youth is also considerable. Every third high school student smokes constantly. After all, among young people there is an erroneous prestige of smoking, which, in their opinion, looks "fashionable" and liberates.

Problems of Culture of Modern Youth

The decline in the living standards of young people has also affected their cultural life. Western ideas of the consumer attitude to life are popular, which is reflected in the cult of money and fashion, the pursuit of material well-being, and the obtaining of pleasures.

In addition, there are problems of leisure for young people. In many cities and villages there are no conditions for a cultural free time: there are no free pools, sports sections or circles of interest. Here, boys and girls sit in front of a television or computer, in the company of peers with a cigarette and a bottle in their hands.

Spiritual impoverishment has found its reflection in the problem of the speech culture of modern youth. Low level of education, communication on the Internet, creation of youth subcultures contributed to the development of slang, far from the rules of literary Russian. Following the fashion, the younger generation uses brutal words in speech, slang expressions, violates linguistic norms.

Psychological problems of youth

The psychological problems of youth are mainly connected with the lack of a clear life guide. Not only parents, school and books introduce the laws of the life of boys and girls, but also street, products of mass culture, the media, and their own experience. The lack of participation in power and lawlessness, youthful maximalism provokes the development of indifference or aggression in youth, pushes to join youth informal groups. In addition, youth is a time when a person has to solve many important tasks: choosing a profession, the second half, friends, determining the life path, forming one's own worldview.

The ways of solving the problems of youth consist in a purposeful systematic policy of the state, not only on papers and speeches. The authorities must truly realize that young boys and girls are the future of the country.