Career Guidance for High School Students

In most schools today, attention is paid to the vocational guidance of older boys and girls, since this is an important and necessary event. Even during the schooling period, the child must decide on the future profession and way of life, and do it so that after some time he does not have to regret the decision.

Very often, high school students begin to lean toward this or that profession, based solely on their own interests and preferences. At the same time, children are not able to adequately assess whether their physical data, intellectual potential and psycho-physiological characteristics correspond to the requirements that are imposed on workers in the chosen field.

This is the main task set by educators and psychologists, who conduct various games and classes for career guidance for high school students. As a result of such activities, boys and girls should decide which type of activity they are most located in and in which profession they can take place. In this article, we will tell you which program for career guidance for high school students is currently being implemented in most schools, and how you can help your child decide on the future profession.

Mandatory program for vocational guidance of senior pupils

During the classes aimed at career guidance of the children of senior school age, the following should be mentioned by the psychologist:

  1. Research of desires, inclinations and personal preferences of each child.
  2. Analysis of the physical and intellectual abilities of children.
  3. Studying of various spheres of activity and professions.
  4. Analysis of the situation on the labor market, assessment of the probability of admission to an educational institution for obtaining a profile education.
  5. Direct choice of profession.

Children of school age, including those who are studying in high school, are much easier to perceive any new information, if it is submitted in the form of a fun entertaining event or game. Next, we offer you an interesting game and a test that will help young men and girls decide on their future profession.

Games for career guidance for high school students

In the work of teachers and psychologists, a business game on career guidance for high school students called "Labyrinth of Choice" can be used . The first part of this event is a press conference, during which each of the students should present their future profession to the rest of the students. Further, in the course of the game, all the guys need to be divided into pairs, in which each of the participants must convince the opponent that his profession is much more interesting and important.

The most popular and useful event for career guidance for high school students is a special test. There are quite a few types of such studies, each of which is designed to reveal the child's personality characteristics, his inclinations and preferences, the level of intellectual development, and so on.

In particular, in order to determine in which sphere the child is best to work, the technique of Yovayshi LA is often used . The questionnaire of this author is as follows:

  1. What is more important: create material goods or know a lot?
  2. What attracts you the most when reading books: a vivid image of the courage and courage of heroes or a fine literary style?
  3. What reward would you most enjoy: for public activities for the common good or for a scientific invention?
  4. If you were given the opportunity to occupy a certain post, which one would you choose: the director of a department store or the chief engineer of a plant?
  5. What, in your opinion, should be more appreciated among amateur participants: the fact that they perform socially useful work, or that they bring art and beauty to people?
  6. What, in your opinion, the field of human activity in the future will be dominant: physical culture or physics?
  7. If you were the director of the school, what would you pay more attention to: the rallying of a friendly and hardworking team or creating the necessary conditions and amenities (a model dining room, rest room, etc.)?
  8. You are at the exhibition. What attracts you more in the exhibits: their internal arrangement (how and what are they made of) or the color and perfection of form?
  9. What character traits in a person do you prefer: friendliness, sensitivity and lack of self-interest or courage, courage and endurance?
  10. Imagine that you are a university professor. Which subject would you prefer in your free time: experiments in physics, chemistry, or literature classes?
  11. Would you rather go: as a well-known foreign trade specialist with the goal of buying the necessary goods for our country or as a famous sportsman for international competitions?
  12. The newspaper has two articles of different content. Which of them would cause you great interest: an article about a new scientific theory or an article about a new type of machine?
  13. You are watching a military or sports parade. What attracts your attention more: the exterior design of the columns (banners, clothes) or the coordination of walking, the cheerfulness and gracefulness of the participants in the parade?
  14. What would you rather do in your free time: social work (on a voluntary basis) or anything practical (manual labor)?
  15. What exhibition would you look at with great pleasure: an exhibition of novelties of scientific equipment (physics, chemistry, biology) or an exhibition of new food products?
  16. If there were only two mugs in the school, which would you choose: musical or technical?
  17. How do you think, what should the school pay more attention to: sports, as it is necessary to strengthen the health of students, or to their academic performance, as it is necessary for their future?
  18. What magazines would you read with great pleasure: literary, artistic or non-fiction?
  19. Which of the two works in the open air would attract you more: "walking" work (agronomist, forester, road master) or work with cars?
  20. What, in your opinion, is the school's task more important: to prepare students for practical activities and to teach them to create material benefits or prepare students to work with people so that they can help others in this?
  21. What outstanding scientists do you like most: Mendeleev and Pavlov or Popov and Tsiolkovsky?
  22. What is more important than a person's day: to live without some amenities, but to be able to use the treasury of art, create art or create your own comfortable, comfortable life?
  23. What is more important for the well-being of society: technology or justice?
  24. Which of the two books would you read with great pleasure: about the development of industry in our republic or about the achievements of athletes of our republic?
  25. What will benefit society more: studying people's behavior or taking care of the well-being of citizens?
  26. The service life provides people with different services (makes shoes, sews clothes, etc.). Do you consider it necessary: ​​to create a technique that could be used in private life, or continue to develop this industry in order to fully serve people?
  27. What lectures would you like more: about outstanding artists or scientists?
  28. What kind of scientific work would you choose: work outdoors in an expedition or work with books in the library?
  29. What would be the most interesting for you in the press: the message about the held art exhibition or the message about the win of the monetary lottery?
  30. You are given a choice of profession: which one would you prefer: inactive work to create new technology or physical culture or other work related to the movement?

A schoolboy who passes the test should evaluate 2 statements on each question and understand which one is closer to him. The answers are interpreted according to the following scales:

  1. Sphere of work with people. If among the answers of the student to the questions numbered 6, 12, 17, 19, 23, 28 the first statements prevail, and questions 2, 4, 9, 16 - the second ones - it is better to give preference to such professions as teacher, educator , guide, psychologist, manager, investigator.
  2. Sphere of mental labor. A child who gravitates toward this area should predominantly choose the first statements when answering questions No. 4, 10, 14, 21, 26 and the first in Questions 7, 13, 18, 20, 30. In this case, it is best for him to work engineer, lawyer, architect, doctor, ecologist and so on.
  3. The inclination to the sphere of technical interests is determined by the answers to questions No. 1, 3, 8, 15, 29 (in which the child must choose the first statements) and No. 6, 12, 14, 25, 26 (second). With such answers, a high school student needs to seek out his vocation among such professions as a driver, a programmer, a radio technician, a technologist, a dispatcher and others.
  4. The future workers of the sphere of aesthetics and art choose the first statements when answering questions # 5, 11 and 24 and the second in # 1, 8, 10, 17, 21, 23 and 28. These guys can be tried to become artists, artists, writers, florists, confectioners.
  5. The sphere of physical labor and mobile activity is determined by the following answers - the choice of the first statements in questions No. 2, 13, 18, 20 and 25 and the second - in questions 5, 15, 22, 24 and 27. So the future athletes, photographers, bartenders, repairmen, postmen, truckers and so on.
  6. Finally, future workers in the sphere of material interests can be identified by answers to questions No. 7, 9, 16, 22, 27, 30 (first statements) and No. 3, 11, 19, 29 (second). Such answers are chosen by the guys who can work as accountants, economists, marketers, brokers, individual entrepreneurs.