How to care for a rose in a pot?

As you know, not only in the garden you can admire the flowering of rose bushes. This plant perfectly feels and on the windowsill of the apartment, provided that the florist knows how to care for a bush rose in a pot.

For cultivation at home, miniature varieties are used , which do not grow too much. One bush can grow for 5-6 years, after which it should be updated, that is, replaced with a new one.


To care for a mini rose in a pot you need the same way as for a street flower. Watering the plant likes to be intense enough to be well wetted by an earth clod. But between watering it is necessary to give the soil a good dry out to avoid rotting the root system. Roses are very responsive to spraying. In the summer, they can be held several times a week, preferably in the evening. In water once a month you can add foliar top dressing.


In the house, the rose must stand on the south or south-west window, since intensive lighting is necessary for it to abundantly bloom and to fill buds. Only during adaptation of the plant after transplantation will it be necessary to put a pot with a rose bush on a poorly lit window sill.

Content temperature

The optimum temperature regime at which the rose at home will feel good is from 23 ° C to 28 ° C in the summer. Higher values ​​have a very negative effect on the plant, and therefore it will be necessary to artificially raise the humidity around the bush. But in winter, when the plant is at rest, it will be necessary to find such a place in the apartment, where the temperature will not exceed 12 ° C. In the warm season, it is desirable to move the room rose to an open balcony or garden.


A rose bush growing on a windowsill should be transplanted every 2 years to a freer container. This should be done carefully, because the roots of the rose are very sensitive to touching. Therefore, one should not shake off the entire soil from the root system, but produce the so-called transshipment.

To perform this procedure, the plant is carefully shaken out of the pot, removing only the top layer of the earth at 1 cm. In a larger pot, a layer of expanded clay, a little fresh soil is poured in, and then an earth clod with a plant is placed there. The void should be filled with fresh earth, gently ramming it.

After the transplant, the plant is watered and put in a shaded place for a couple of weeks to adapt. Fertilize the flower should not be earlier than a month after transplantation into fresh soil.

How to care for a rose in a pot in the winter?

In the winter, a rose requires rest. For this, in autumn, after the last bud buds, the plant is cut off, leaving only a few buds on branches. The pot is transferred to a cool place for the whole time, and in March they are again put on a warm window sill. Winter watering should be quite rare, so that the soil has had time to dry out well between watering.