Raspberry repair - planting and care

Raspberry is a sweet and tasty berry, extremely useful and loved by both children and adults. In order to achieve its constant harvest throughout the summer and be able to prepare it for future use, you can, along with the usual planted on the site and varieties of raspberry.

The difference between the repairing raspberry and the usual is that it can yield two crops a year - the first in June, like the usual varieties, and the second in late August-September. The second crop, as a rule, is more qualitative - the berries are larger, more elastic, sweet. Thus, it makes sense to get only one crop, and for this you should keep raspberries as an annual crop. The late harvest is practically insured against parasites, and therefore there is no need to spray it with chemicals, so that an ecological product is produced. In addition, berries can hang on the bushes for a long time without crumbling or rotting - you can collect them once a week. It is very convenient for those who can choose to dacha only on weekends.

It is logical that with all the obvious merits, raspberry repair is happy with a difficult culture in the issues of planting and care. To get a good harvest, you need to work hard.

How to plant a raspberry raspberry?

When planting a repair raspberry in order to get a good harvest in the future, it is recommended that the following conditions be met:

The optimal time for planting raspberries is autumn. The landing pit should be at least 50 cm deep. At the bottom it should be laid a bucket of compost , as well as potash fertilizers and superphosphate . After planting, each bush should be watered abundantly.

Reproduction of a raspberry

Since the repaired varieties give a very limited number of shoots, its reproduction is complicated by a shortage of material. But there is a way out of this situation. To do this, in the early spring, remove the central part of the raspberry bush, and the roots remaining in the ground quickly sprout new shoots that can be planted.

How else can you propagate a raspberry raspberry? Many summer residents use green cuttings for this purpose, which are harvested at the end of spring - in the beginning of summer in several receptions. The peculiarity of the cuttings propagation of such bushes is that part of the large shoot should be underground, and the above-ground part should not be more than 3-5 cm. Such cuttings are better rooted.

How to care for a raspberry raspberry?

In the first few years after planting the bush, care for it consists in watering in arid weather and regular loosening of the soil. Top dressing of the repaired raspberries should be carried out twice in the beginning of summer by liquid organic fertilizers. They should be introduced immediately after watering.

In subsequent years, caring for the bushes is also in its rejuvenation. For this, a shovel needs to remove part of the old rhizome every 5-6 years.

Repaired raspberries - pruning

As already mentioned above, it is more advisable to get only one, late harvest, from the repaired raspberry, which appears on annual shoots. Therefore, every time after harvesting it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part of the bush. Plus pruning is that in this form raspberry better tolerates winter and does not need additional shelter.

Diseases of patch raspberry

Cultivation of raspberries as repair, as well as other crops, does not do without diseases and pests . Process the bushes need before the flowering. To protect against fungus, chemical spraying should be done in early April.