The gum was inflamed near the tooth - what to do?

Sometimes, after brushing your teeth, a small amount of blood is released during the rinsing of the oral cavity. Most people treat this phenomenon quite calmly, explaining it with a too stiff brush or improper paste. In fact, it inflamed the gum near the tooth - what to do in this situation can advise the dentist, but it is advisable to begin treatment before the visit to a specialist.

What should I do if my gum is inflamed near the wisdom tooth?

First you need to find out what the pathological process is caused by.

If the cause of swelling, tenderness and bleeding is the eruption of the wisdom tooth, most likely, unpleasant symptoms will disappear after a few days. Already after 2 weeks, discomfort will pass without a trace, with severe pain, taking analgesics (Ketanov, Nimesil).

In cases where the gum near the tooth is inflamed due to its incorrect position, tilt or lack of space in the dentition, professional dental care will be required. Usually, experts recommend immediately removing such wisdom teeth, regardless of whether they have erupted to the end or still remain in the gum.

In addition, there is often a phenomenon such as pericoronaritis. This is an inflammatory process that starts by the ingestion of food and bacteria in the space between the incision part of the wisdom tooth and the gum around it. Such situations are accompanied by suppuration, so with pericoronaritis, you should immediately go to the dentist.

The gum was inflamed near the tooth - what can you rinse your mouth with?

This problem can arise for various reasons. Usually their role is played by:

A full-time therapy will be prescribed by a dentist, but unpleasant symptoms of pathology and tenderness in the oral cavity can be easily removed even before a visit to a specialist using effective medicinal solutions.

Here's what you can rinse your mouth if the gum is inflamed near the tooth:

Also, anti-inflammatory effect is caused by water broths of some plants. For example, in folk medicine, the following herbs are widely used:

Among the old proven means for stopping pathological processes, you can pay attention to solutions with such products and products:

It is important to note that all these rinses produce only a temporary effect, allowing you to hold out until a visit to the dentist.

The gum is very inflamed near the tooth - what to treat?

Rapid swelling of the soft tissues, intense pains, and the presence of pus require more serious measures, some rinses are not effective enough in such situations.

The approximate scheme of therapy for severe gingival inflammation includes:

1. Taking pain medication:

2. Application of dental gels:

3. Treatment of tissues with antiseptic solutions:

It is advisable to exclude any burden on the inflamed gum, so before visiting the dentist, it is better to limit the consumption of solid food that involves chewing, use a toothbrush with the softest bristles and toothpaste for sensitive teeth .