Rosacea - Causes

Problem skin is not always a consequence of a transitional age or improper care. Often in patients with multiple rashes and redness, rosacea is diagnosed - the causes of this disease are still being studied by leading dermatological clinics. Theories about what factors provoke pathology are constantly challenged in scientific communities.

Rosacea or rosacea

This disease is chronic and characterized by a persistent reddening of the face due to irritation and hypersensitivity of blood vessels to external conditions. Over time, the skin becomes denser on the affected areas, rashes appear in the form of papules (small pink tubercles), gradually turning into pimples, pustules and blackheads with purulent contents.

In women, rosacea is often accompanied by the expansion of blood vessels, the appearance of "mesh" or "stars" - telenegiectasia. Approximately 50% of cases of the disease are simultaneously affected by eyelids, there is tearing, stitching, dryness in the eyes .

The causes of rosacea on the face

The only established factor that provokes inflammation is a violation of the microcirculation of the blood in the vessels of the skin, their hypersensitivity to the effects of cold, steam, sunlight and other external conditions. What leads to such a reaction, unfortunately, was not exactly established.

Possible causes of rosacea:

There is also a theory that rosacea is provoked by external factors that contribute to a sharp change in blood circulation and further stagnation of the biological fluid in the vessels. For example:

It is worth noting that all listed reasons are only unconfirmed opinions of some experts and in fact are risk factors.