Dental granuloma

A granuloma of a tooth - quite often occurring in stomatology disease. The insidiousness of this disease is that the granuloma itself does not manifest itself for quite a long time, but then it makes itself felt by acute pain.

What is a tooth granuloma?

The granuloma of the tooth is a cyst filled with pus, which is located in the periodontium (tissue between the teeth) and has a spike with the root of the tooth. Education has a negative impact on human health: against its background can develop heart disease, kidney and other organs.

Symptoms of a tooth granuloma

The main signs of the development of granuloma are:

In the early stages, the tooth granuloma can be determined on the basis of an X-ray examination. Sometimes, when giving blood for analysis, it turns out that increased ESR , but the clear cause of inflammation is not clear. Undoubtedly, those subjects who have blood changes are interested in whether ESR increases with a tooth granuloma. In fact, a high level of ESR may indicate that the patient has inflammatory processes in the gums.

Treatment of tooth granuloma

When a disease is detected, the dentist prescribes the treatment of the root tooth granuloma, depending on the stage of the disease. There are two methods of therapy:

  1. Therapeutic. Antibiotics and sulfanilamide preparations are prescribed to eliminate infection and prompt healing of the affected tissues.
  2. Surgical. The method is used in the event of complications. The dentist dissects the gum, releasing the pus.

Sometimes a dilemma arises: to treat or to remove the tooth in the presence of a granuloma. Unfortunately, often the affected tooth has to be removed. So, the removal is shown with a significant tooth decay, the presence of a vertical crack in the root, numerous and significant root perforations. If the ability to save a tooth is available, the doctor does:

After healing, it is possible to restore the tooth with the help of modern methods.

A very promising way is to treat the granuloma of the tooth with a laser. To do this, a laser beam is introduced through the tooth channel. The cyst under its influence evaporates, and at the same time there is a disinfection of a tooth. After removing the granuloma, you can not eat and drink for 4 hours, and the oral cavity is treated with an antiseptic. The healing after laser application is much faster.

Treatment of granuloma of the tooth folk remedies

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, granuloma can be cured with the help of folk remedies. Here are the most effective recipes of folk medicine:

  1. The mixture, consisting of 2 tablespoons of chamomile, 2 tablespoons of sage and 3 tablespoons of eucalyptus, is poured hot water. Infused for an hour infusion It is used to rinse the mouth after each meal.
  2. Taken in the amount of 3 tablespoons of medicinal daisy, sage and marigold are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. Infusion should be kept for several days. Rinse the mouth cavity several times a day until the symptoms disappear.

If the disease has developed, then these funds after consultation with the doctor, can be used as disinfectants.

Granuloma of the tooth is considered quite a dangerous disease. Of great importance in the prevention of the disease are systematic examinations of the oral cavity by a specialist and proper care for teeth and gums.