Ringworm on the face

Lishay is considered a disease of dirty hands, to which the smallest patients are mostly exposed. Children really suffer from this dermatological disease more often, but adults are not immune to it. Appearing can be anywhere: on the face, arms, legs, stomach and chest. Manifestations of the disease are quite unpleasant - not only do they bring a lot of discomfort, so also look lichen plaques are simply disgusting.

Symptoms of hair loss on the face

Lishay is a disease caused by harmful microbes. The latter live in the organisms of many people, but strong immunity does not allow them to develop. The disease manifests itself when microbes get favorable conditions for reproduction. Most often it occurs after the diseases, against the background of taking antibiotics and with beriberi (especially in the autumn-spring period).

Fortunately, lichen on the face is not formed so often, so the disease is often confused with allergies or less serious dermatitis. Procrastination gives the microbes more time for reproduction, and the diarrhea intensively spreads through the body.

Different types of the disease are characterized by various symptoms. And yet there are a few basic signs that help distinguish the lichen from any other dermatological problem. They look like this:

Pink lichen on the face

On the face this kind of deprivation jumps up extremely rarely. The disease manifests itself, like its other varieties, with scaly patches. The main difference is the light color of the rashes. The rash is accompanied by very severe itching and burning.

Since pink lichen refers to infectious diseases, it is desirable to isolate patients urgently. Otherwise, the fight against the illness will last for a long time.

Pityriasis or multicolored lichen on the face

This type of disease is caused by fungi Malassezia. Stains with this deprivation are clearly visible. Usually painted rashes in maroon color. Most often, colored lichen occurs due to excessive sweating or improper skin care (especially fatty).

Initially, with pityriasis, rashes give out a few problems - they are slightly itchy. But if you do not take timely measures, the spots will begin to peel and hurt.

Shingles on the face

Shingles are a very dangerous disease, but rare. Symptoms of it are easy to confuse with the symptoms of chicken pox. Throughout the body and face, small bubbles are formed, filled with liquid inside.

The disease is accompanied by weakness and a sharp increase in temperature. Many patients with shingles also complain of painful headaches.

How to cure deprive on the face?

As with any illness, you want to get rid of deprivation as soon as possible. Immediately it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the treatment of the disease will be prolonged. That is, it will be possible to eliminate external manifestations of the disease relatively quickly, but it takes a lot to disperse the harmful microorganisms of time.

The most optimal treatment of deprivation on the face is complex therapy. To eliminate the rash, you can use special anti-inflammatory ointments and creams. For pre-treatment of the affected the best solution is iodine or Betadine. A prerequisite is the intake of immunomodulators and fortifying vitamin complexes.

The best antifungal drugs are: