How to remove black dots?

Appearance of black dots (comedones) on the face is a very common problem, almost everyone is exposed to it. They do not deliver such problems as acne, but still the skin looks neglected, and it is quite natural to get rid of them.

Most often, black dots appear as a consequence of blockage of sebaceous glands on the skin with dust, dead cells and surpluses of sebum. Therefore, the most susceptible to their appearance areas of the face with the most oily skin, the so-called T-zone: nose, forehead, chin.

The causes of the appearance of black dots on the face

The first and main reason for the appearance of black spots on the face is skin contamination. If it is wrong to look after the skin of the face, forget to clean it, wash off make-up, use improperly selected cosmetic and waste products, then the appearance of this problem will not have to wait long. But in this case, the regular use of masks, peelings, lotions for washing will help to easily remove the black dots on the face.

Also, an improper way of life can contribute to the appearance of black spots. Excessive consumption of fatty and sweet food, coffee, abuse of cigarettes leads to disorders in the digestive system, which affects the work of the sebaceous glands and leads to their blockage. If the cleaning of the face does not give the desired result, and black dots very quickly arise again, it is worth thinking about how to switch to healthy food, to exclude from the diet potentially harmful products.

In addition to the appearance of black points leads to a violation of the hormonal background. And in this case, in addition to cosmetic procedures, medical advice may be required.

How to remove black dots on the face?

Completely clean the face of black dots is possible only if the causes that cause them are eliminated. For this, consultation of a cosmetologist, and in some cases a dermatologist, is necessary.

Cleaning faces from black dots can be done in several ways.

  1. Professional cleaning in the beauty salon . Not the cheapest, but, perhaps, the most effective way. In addition to the classic, the salon can offer a vacuum, laser or ultrasonic cleaning of the face, depending on how serious this skin defect is.
  2. Cleaning the face at home. The best option for cleansing the face from black spots is to steam the skin and then remove the comedones by squeezing out. The face must be held over the steam bath with broths of herbs (best chamomile or marigold) for 10-15 minutes, and then squeeze out black dots with cotton pads. Hands before the procedure must be thoroughly washed with soap and treated with alcohol or other means, for example, chlorhexidine. In addition, do not try to squeeze out points with your bare hands, without the use of discs or gauze tampons, because you can damage the skin. After removing the comedones, the skin needs to be disinfected with lotion, and then rubed with an ice cube or a mask, which helps to narrow the pores (for example, from cosmetic clay). After the procedure is completed, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizer. People with dilated vessels on the face of steam baths and this method of cleaning the face is contraindicated.
  3. For people who are not suitable for home cleaning, different masks can be used. The most effective in this case are mask-films. For example, a gel mask from black dots or egg. Here is the recipe for the latter:

It should be noted that deep cleansing of the face is not recommended to be carried out too often. If black dots appear very quickly and in large numbers, and also adjoin to acne, then home cleaning should not be done. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist to choose the right treatment for black spots on the face.