Gingivitis Symptoms

Gingivitis - an inflammation of the gum tissue, characterized by the multiplication of bacteria on the mucous membrane. Most often it affects children and adolescents.

It is customary to distinguish between these forms of gingivitis:

Symptoms of gingivitis

Catarrhal gingivitis:

Acute catarrhal gingivitis:

Acute catarrhal gingivitis and its symptoms occur, mainly, in children during teething or their age-related changes.

Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis:

Ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis:

Atrophic gingivitis:

Causes of gingivitis

The causes of gingivitis can be:

  1. Teething and changing teeth in children.
  2. Chronic diseases of the endocrine system.
  3. Immunity disorders.
  4. Complicated infectious diseases.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Presence of tumor formations in the body.
  7. Hormonal disorders.
  8. Inadequate or improper hygiene of the oral cavity.
  9. Formation of tartar.
  10. Violations of the integrity of the tooth.
  11. Injuries of the jaw.
  12. Lack of vitamins B and C.
  13. Alcoholism.
  14. Smoking.
  15. Deficiency of fluid in the body.
  16. Lack of calcium in the diet.

Treatment of gingivitis

Antibiotics for gingivitis are the main means of stopping the inflammatory process and the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. They perform the following functions in the treatment program:

Folk remedies for gingivitis

Our grandmothers would advise us to save ourselves from gingivitis by the following methods:

1. Rinse your mouth with a warm baking soda solution.

2. In the morning and evening lubricate the site of inflammation with natural honey.

3. Treat the oral cavity with tincture of propolis.

4. Rinse mouth with herbal decoction:

5. To use for rinsing fresh juice of raw potatoes.

6. Daily use of blackberry fruit.

7. Rinse the mouth with kefir and strong black tea.

Prevention of gingivitis

In order not to become a victim of this disease, one should adhere to such preventive measures: