How much is the heat in dogs?

Estherus (estrus) is a natural process that indicates the sexual maturity of the pet. The responsible animal owner should know how much heat should go in dogs, what behavior during this period is considered the norm to know what to expect from a dog, and how to behave with it correctly.

When does the normal estrus start in dogs?

The first time the estrus appears in the period when the pet is not yet a year, that is, in 6-12 months, although sometimes it happens in a year and a half, the term depends on the breed and its size. At the same time, the appetite increases in the pet, frequent urination is observed, the character changes - the female becomes more playful, obedient or vice versa, more aggressive than before. The beginning can be considered the appearance of the first drops of blood. The owner of the animal must consider how long the first heat lasts in dogs, in order to prepare for binding , or vice versa, to take measures to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is important to monitor the young animal to prevent accidental mating. The main thing is to remember that childbirth until one year is considered harmful to the animal's body.

Duration and frequency

The process lasts 21-28 days, this cycle occurs twice a year. From 1 to 8, the female is not yet ready for mating. From 9 to 18 day she is ready for fertilization, the owner needs to count on these days, if he is planning a pregnancy . After passing the cycle of the esterus, there comes a rest period of about six months.

It is necessary to worry if Esther does not come within 8 months or passes earlier 4 months. This may indicate a hormonal failure in the animal.

It is important to consider how long the estrus in small breeds of dogs lasts. It is less prolonged and occurs earlier, often at the age of 6-8 months, the reproductive cycle lasts, as a rule, 21 days.

How many days the dog often goes to the estrus depends also on age. Healthy young animals flow more often than adults and aging dogs. With age, the cycle time decreases, and its periodicity increases. But there is no complete cessation of estrus because of age.

It is the owner's responsibility to control the estrus, even if the mating is not performed. They testify to the normal development of the animal's body. In addition, monitoring will protect your pet from attack by extraneous males.