Rashes on the labia

A rash on the labia seizes a woman by surprise and greatly overshadows the quality of her life. But do not worry once again, first you need to try to figure out the cause of the rash, perhaps it's not as scary as it seems.

Possible causes of rash on the labia

Most often, the rash appears on the pubic region, near the labia and on the sex lips. The reasons for its appearance are diverse: from quite commonplace, for example, wearing synthetic underwear, to serious ones such as venereal and even tumor diseases.

It is advisable to distinguish two groups of unfavorable factors that can provoke the onset of a rash on large and small labia. These are external and internal factors.

Thus, a small rash on the labia majora in many cases becomes the result of irritation of their skin or is an allergic response of the body to the action of external factors such as:

There are no rare cases when the appearance of a rash on the external and internal genitalia of a woman, including the labia, becomes only a sign of a more serious disease in the body, in particular:

In isolated cases, various kinds of rashes provoke tumor diseases (melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma), psoriasis, flat lichen, scabies and others.

The nature of eruptions on the labia

The nature of the eruptions indicates their possible origin:

What if there is a rash on the labia?

If the rash on the labia is provoked by temporary irritants (cosmetic, uncomfortable underwear, unsuccessfully performed hair removal procedure), then no special medical measures are usually required, it is only necessary to remove the provoking factor. If a variety of rashes persist for seven days, they bring considerable discomfort to the woman - medical consultation is necessary, after which the treatment of the provocateur disease is likely to follow.