Mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands - which is better?

To date, breast diseases are very common. That is why, for the purpose of their early detection, doctors are urged to undergo a survey at least once every six months. The main methods used to diagnose breast pathologies are ultrasound and radiographic studies. Let's look at them in more detail and try to find out what is better: breast mammography or ultrasound?

What is breast ultrasound?

At the heart of this hardware method of diagnosing diseases is the use of wave oscillations, which sends the sensor. Reflecting from the organs and tissues, they are fixed by the device and displayed on the screen in the form of a picture.

During the procedure, doctors always use a special gel, which is applied to the surface of the skin, to the place of research. He performs a kind of conductor role.

The duration of the procedure depends on the body that undergoes the examination, and on average takes 10-30 minutes.

What is a mammogram?

At the heart of the diagnostic method of this kind is the use of X-rays. In its essence, this is an ordinary picture, which is done in several projections at once. Most often, to get more objective and reliable information, doctors take pictures in 3-4 projections.

In one procedure, physicians can receive dozens of X-rays, which are used for further diagnosis and evaluation of the violation.

What is more exact - ultrasound of mammary glands or mammography?

It is worth noting that the ultrasound has more accuracy. So, with the help of the device's sensor, a doctor on the monitor screen can visually inspect any area of ​​the chest. In addition, ultrasound can detect the presence of formations in the gland, the size of only 0.1-0.2 cm.

It should also be noted that ultrasound is used to take tissue from the gland for biopsy. This allows you to remove the cells from the focus of inflammation, and not from the surrounding tissue.

Invaluable method of ultrasound is in the oncology process in the chest. So, with the help of his doctors, it is possible to detect metastases in the axillary lymph nodes, which can not be done with mammography.

From the above facts, it can be concluded that ultrasound is much more informative than mammography, regardless of whether it is simple inspection or diagnosis of the disorder.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mammography?

Despite the fact that this diagnostic method is less informative, it is often used today.

Thus, mammography is simply an indispensable test for the suspected intralesional formations in the mammary gland, for example, in papillomas. For diagnosis, doctors fill the duct with a contrast agent and then take a picture.

In addition, this method can be used in the presence of cysts. To conduct a study, evaluate the structure of the bubbles, they are filled with air and take pictures. This allows us to assume at the initial stage of the survey the nature of the tumor: benign or malignant.

Thus, on the basis of the above information, it can be concluded that the question of what is best, - mammography or ultrasound of the breast, is incorrect. It all depends on what the goal is put by the doctors, assigning one or the other examination. As a rule, both these diagnostic methods are often used in the coupling, which allows you to get a more complete clinical picture. Therefore, and argue about what is more effective - ultrasound or mammogram of the mammary glands, does not make sense.