Means of fear

Anxiety and fear are the most common manifestations of a person's negative state, and scientists have even taken a great interest in calculating how much humanity spends on treating these phenomena. Fear has several varieties - it can be a fear of something real or fear on the eve of potential or future events. In accordance with the variety, it is necessary to select and remedy for fear.

Phobias, anxiety, panic

External signs of these phenomena are well known to us, because people are afraid of birth, with age some fears subside, but other, "adult" fears are added.

Most often we experience the following symptoms:

A phobia is a fear of an object, a situation, an action. According to the opinion of psychotherapists, in fact, a phobia, a person replaces some inner anxiety (affection, fear of loss, guilt, etc.). And the external source (fear of flying, enclosed space, animals) only covers true fear.

However, when a person is phobic, the person finds the remedy for anxiety and fear - he simply avoids situations that awaken a phobia in him. After all, the visible source of fear is from outside, and what torments the person within, awakens only under the influence of this stimulus.

It is much more difficult to find a remedy for fear when it comes to anxiety. The source of fear is inside, we are afraid of something potentially. Since to escape and avoid the potential here and now we can not, anxiety becomes the basic state of man.

The best way to get rid of anxiety is to switch. Our brain is not able to think about two things at once, either it is agitated or relaxed. Thus, when we are anxious, we carefully observe the accelerated heartbeat and already foresee a heart attack when our breathing is intermittently we know that now we stop breathing. At this moment you need to find something that will distract you into another direction - change your place of residence, immerse yourself in a useful stressful situation, when you need to decide something, teach something, fight something. Then you will remember the alarm that should have been, but for some reason you were suddenly forgotten by you.

Folk remedies

The most simple folk remedies for fear - drink daily carrot juice . First, it invigorates one of its kind, and secondly, it contains vitamins and such useful in moments of fear, glucose.

With nervous disorders, insomnia, fear, treatment with folk remedies reduces to taking mint. Need to brew 1 tablespoon. mint with a peppery glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. To drink this drink it is necessary in two receptions - in the morning and before a dream.

With irritability, anxiety, absent-mindedness, it is necessary to insist beet juice (1/2 st.) 3 hours in a cool place, then mix it with the same amount of honey and eat three meals before eating.