Rolls with crab sticks

Today, Chinese and Japanese cuisine is very popular. Rolls with crab sticks are a vivid proof of this. In addition to the fact that they can be cooked with a variety of fillings, you can buy cooking products in almost any store and make this original dish yourself. You need only a little skill and perseverance. Rolls with crab sticks can be prepared with cheese, eel, caviar, onion and other ingredients.

Home rolls with crab sticks



To start, we boil the rice, strictly following the instructions on the package. Then we take the bamboo mat, cover it with food film and lay the nori sheet with the shining side down. Now we dip our hands in a bowl with warm water prepared in advance, take the rice and spread it in a thin layer on the nori. Thus, we fill the entire sheet, leaving a bit of free space at the edges. In the middle we put cheese "Philadelphia" , from above densely we spread crab sticks and we wrap all in a roll. Cut the roll into pieces and serve it to the table.

Recipe Rolls with crab sticks



We offer another option, how to prepare rolls with crab sticks. So, slightly salted trout is cut into strips. Fresh cucumber shink in half and then again in two halves, carving carefully out of it the core.

Next, prepare rice for sushi and take a whole sheet of nori. On it accurately we spread ready rice, then a stuffing - cheese, crab sticks, tobiko, a trout and a cucumber. The edge of the nori is wetted in water and wrapped in a roll. Now we heat the frying pan, pour a little oil, cut the roll in half, dip it in the tempura batter and pan it in breadcrumbs. We put it on the frying pan and fry them in turn. After this, gently remove, cut into pieces, stacked on plates and served in a warm form.

Rolls with crab sticks and smoked eel



The rice is prepared as described above. Then we put on the algae sheet crushed crab sticks, next to it - smoked eel. On top, carefully and evenly put the cheese, and next to the filling we cover with an even layer of rice and wrap the roll. Formed rolls cut into small portions and serve rolls with eels to the table.

Hot rolls with crab sticks



For the preparation of rolls with crab sticks, we first boil the rice, and as a filling we use the crab sticks, sweet Bulgarian pepper, carrots, and add the green onions, after which we turn the nori sheet into rolls, but do not cut it.

Next, prepare the tempura: the egg is lightly beaten, add the tempura flour and ice water. We knead not too thick dough, dipped into it from all sides the roll and fry until the crust is formed in a large number of oil. Then cut the roll into portions and serve it to the table.