Museum of St. Francis

The Republic of San Marino is the oldest state in Europe (founded in 301 AD) and one of the smallest in the world. The country covers an area of ​​only 61.2 square kilometers, and the population barely exceeds 32,000 people.

Despite the small size, the tourist will have something to see in San Marino: there are a lot of old buildings, museums and interesting sights . One of them is the Museum of St. Francis.

What can you see in the museum?

The museum was created in 1966 and is dedicated to the most revered Saint Europe - St. Francis. It houses unique canvases dating from the 12th-17th centuries, ceramics in the Italian style of contemporary masters, and other religious objects.

The popularity of this museum is evidenced by the fact that every year a huge number of tourists from all over the world consider it necessary to visit its walls. Visiting the museum of St. Francis is included in many excursion routes.

How to get there?

San Marino does not have its own airport and railway lines, you can get to the state by bus from Rimini. The fare to one side is 4.5 euros. Directions can be paid directly on the bus and it is better to buy immediately and return tickets. In the city it is better to move on foot - all the sights are within walking distance from each other, in addition, in the central part of the city traffic is prohibited.