Sausage soup

This sausage soup is a hearty hot dish, which is traditionally served in the vastness of Germany, because Germans are famous for the variety of sausage meat products and certainly know the intricacies of making fragrant dishes based on them. In this article, we'll figure out how to cook a sausage soup based on a selection of different sausages according to the traditional German recipe.

German sausage soup

Classic German sausage soup is prepared from several kinds of meat and sausages, in addition to vegetables, spices and rich broth.



Before you cook sausage soup, you need to boil the broth. To do this, pork ribs thoroughly washed under a stream of cold water and put it in a saucepan with 3 liters of water on low heat. The time for broth cooking is about 1.5-2 hours, or until the meat begins to lag behind the bone. When cooking meat, do not forget to remove from the surface of the water formed foam, and after cooking, strain the broth through 2-3 layers of gauze.

Carrots, onions and potatoes are cut randomly and we put them in a frying pan. Stew the vegetables with a couple of log ladles on low heat until soft.

While the vegetables are stewed - the meat is separated from the bones and returned to the broth. There we also send sauerkraut, and ready-made vegetables. The latter are the sausages in the broth: they are traditionally cut into large quantities and after placing them in a hot broth, turn off the fire and insist the soup for 20-30 minutes.

German sausage soup can be served to the table with a pair of toasted toast, sprinkled with herbs. Bon Appetit!