14 diseases that turn a person into a monster

In this article we will talk about diseases that can change the appearance of a person beyond recognition, and not for the better.

In the field of medicine, mankind has achieved considerable results, having studied many different diseases that previously seemed incurable. But there are still many "white spots" that remain a mystery. More and more often in our days you can hear about new diseases that frighten us and cause a feeling of compassion for those people who are ill with them. After all, looking at them, you understand, what cruel fate can be.

1. Syndrome of the "stone man"

This congenital hereditary pathology is also known as Munich disease. It arises from the mutation of one of the genes and, fortunately, is one of the rarest diseases in the world. The disease is also called "the disease of the second skeleton", because due to inflammatory processes in muscles, ligaments and tissues, active ossification of the matter takes place. To date, 800 cases of this disease have been registered in the world, and effective treatment has not yet been found. To ease the fate of patients only painkillers are used. It should be noted that in 2006, scientists were able to find out which genetic deviation leads to the formation of a "second skeleton", which means that there is a hope that this ailment can be overcome.

2. Leprosy

It would seem that this disease, known to us from ancient books, has sunk into oblivion. But even today in remote corners of the planet there are entire settlements of lepers. This terrible disease disfigures a person, sometimes depriving him of parts of his face, fingers and toes. And all because chronic granulomatosis or leprosy (the medical name of leprosy) first destroys the skin tissue, and then the cartilage. In the process of such rotting of the face and limbs, other bacteria join. They "eat" their fingers.

3. Black Pox

Thanks to the vaccine, this disease almost does not occur today. But just in 1977, blackpox "walked" around the Earth, striking people with a severe fever with pain in the head and vomiting. As soon as the state of health seemed to improve, all the worst came: the body was covered with a scaly crust, and the eyes stopped seeing. Forever.

4. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

This disease belongs to the group of hereditary systemic diseases of connective tissue. It can represent a mortal danger, but in a lighter form it almost does not cause trouble. However, when you meet a person with strongly bending joints, this causes, at least, surprise. In addition, these patients have very smooth and severely damaged skin, which causes the formation of multiple scars. Joints are poorly attached to bones, so people are prone to frequent dislocations and sprains. Agree, it's scary to live, in constant fear, something to dislocate, stretch or, worse, break.

5. Rinofima

This benign inflammation of the skin of the nose, most often the wings, which deforms it and disfigures the appearance of a person. Rhinophymus is accompanied by an increased level of salivation, which leads to clogging of the pores and causes an unpleasant odor. More often this disease people are exposed to frequent temperature changes. On the nose appear hypertrophic acne, towering above the healthy skin. The skin of the skin can remain normal color or have a bright purple-red-violet color. This ailment brings not only physical, but also mental discomfort. It is difficult for a person to communicate with people and generally to be in society.

6. Verruxiform epidermodysplasia

This, fortunately, a very rare disease has a scientific name - verruxiform epidermodysplasia. In fact, everything looks like a living illustration of a horror movie. The disease causes on the human body the formation of rigid "tree-like" and expanding warts. The most famous in the history of "man-tree" Dede Coswar, died in January 2016. In addition, two more cases of this disease were recorded. Not so long ago, three members of the same family from Bangladesh had symptoms of this terrible disease.

7. Necrotizing fasciitis

This disease can be safely attributed to the most horrific. It should be noted immediately that it is extremely rare, although the clinical picture of the disease is known since 1871. According to some sources, mortality from necrotizing fasciitis is 75%. This disease is called "devouring the flesh" because of its rapid development. Infection, which has got into the body, destroys tissues, and this process can be stopped only by amputation of the affected area.

8. Progeria

This is one of the most rare genetic diseases. It can manifest itself in childhood or in adulthood, but in both cases is associated with a mutation of genes. Progeria is a disease of premature aging, when a 13-year-old child looks like an 80-year-old man. Medical luminaries all over the world claim that from the moment of detection of the disease people on average live only 13 years. In the world there are no more than 80 cases of progeria, and at the moment scientists say that this disease can be curable. That's just how many of the sick progeria will manage to live up to the happy moment, until it is known.

9. "Werewolf Syndrome"

This disease has a completely scientific name - hypertrichosis, which means excessive hair growth in certain places on the body. Hair grows everywhere, even on the face. And the intensity of growth and length of hair in different parts of the body can be different. The syndrome gained fame in the 19th century, thanks to performances in the circus of the artist Julia Pastrana, who showed her beard on her face and her body hair.

10. Elephant disease

Elephant disease is often referred to as elephantiasis. The scientific name of this disease is the lymphatic filaria. It is characterized by hyper-increased parts of the human body. Usually it's legs, arms, chest and genitals. The disease is spread by larvae of worms-parasites, and carriers are mosquitoes. It should be noted that this disease, disfiguring a person, is a very common phenomenon. In the world there are more than 120 million people with symptoms of elephantiasis. In 2007, scientists announced the decoding of the parasite genome, which can help to combat this disease more successfully.

11. Syndrome of "blue skin"

The scientific name of this very rare and unusual disease is difficult even to pronounce: acanthokeratoderma. People with this diagnosis have a skin of blue or plum blossom. This disease is considered hereditary and very rare. In the last century, a whole family of "blue people" lived in the US state of Kentucky. They were called Blue Fugates. It should be noted that in addition to this distinctive feature, nothing more indicated any other physical or mental abnormalities. Most of this family lived more than 80 years. Another unique case occurred with Valery Vershinin from Kazan. His skin acquired an intense blue hue after the treatment of the common cold with drops containing silver. But this phenomenon even went to his advantage. For the next 30 years he has never been sick. He was even called a "silver man".

12. Porphyria

Scientists believe that it was this disease that gave rise to legends and myths about vampires. Porphyria, because of its unusual and unpleasant symptoms, is usually called "vampire syndrome". The skin of these patients is bubbling and "boils" in contact with the sun's rays. In addition, their gums "dry up," exposing teeth that look like fangs. The causes of actuary dysplasia (medical name) have not been sufficiently studied so far. Many scholars are inclined to the fact that in most cases it occurs when a child is conceived through incest.

13. The Blaschko Lines

The disease is characterized by the appearance of unusual bands throughout the body. It was first discovered in 1901. It is believed that this is a genetic disease and is transmitted hereditarily. In addition to the appearance of visible asymmetric bands along the body, no more significant symptoms were identified. However, these ugly bands essentially spoil the life of their owners.

14. "Bloody Tears"

Clinics in the US state of Tennessee experienced a real shock when a 15-year-old teenager, Calvin Inman, addressed them with the problem of "bloody tears." Soon it was found out that the cause of this horrific phenomenon was hemolacia, a disease associated with changes in the hormonal background. For the first time the symptoms of this disease are described in the XVI century by the Italian physician Antonio Brassavola. The disease causes panic, but does not endanger life. Usually hemolacia disappears by itself after full physical maturation.