Running program for losing weight

When running, fat is burned only in those cases when you run at the limit a certain amount of time. This can only be achieved by using interval run , which is considered the most correct for weight loss.

Where to run?

The most convenient place to practice interval running is a gym with a treadmill. So you can easily switch from one pace to another, changing the speed and inclination of the track.

However, running in stadiums can be no less effective. To do this you will need a dedication, a stopwatch and a heart rate monitor.

When to run?

Many are mistaken, claiming that in the morning running trains the heart, in the daytime - the muscles swing, and in the evening - promotes weight loss. In fact, you should run when it is convenient for you from a physiological point of view. Some people can not run in the mornings, others like to run in the evenings, because of this they have an appetite, the third is on the contrary "harmful" to train in the evening, because they are contributing to the "brutal" famine.

What is before and after the race?

Before jogging for 1.5 hours you need a snack with carbohydrates with low GI - it can be porridge, not sweet fruit, macaroni of coarse varieties, muesli. Power after running for weight loss should close the carbohydrate window to replenish the supply of glycogen, which was wasted during training. In the first minutes after running, you can drink juice, and after 20-40 minutes it is high-grade to eat carbohydrate-protein foods.


As we have already mentioned, the pulse when running for weight loss plays an extremely important role. It should be limiting, and for a woman it means about 157 beats / min.

Running program

Well, the very program of running for weight loss, without which you can not do.

Option 1 (if you have strength training on other days):

Option 2 (if you are only running):

However, the alternation of running and strength training is much more effective.

When drawing up a training program for weight loss, it should be borne in mind that the fastest and most noticeable result is achieved with alternating loads. So, you can connect the fantasy and alternate 30 seconds of sprints and 2 minutes of rest with the main programs listed above.

But the fact about which almost everything is forgotten is a warm-up and a hitch. The warm-up "includes" your body in the process of fat burning (this inclusion will occur without a warm-up, but much later), and the hitch is necessary to dispose of the decay products from the muscles and relax them after the load.