The Benefits of Vegetables

The use of vegetables is not questioned - in their use, there are many positive effects on the body. It's no secret that it is vegetables that become the basis for most of the known diets for weight loss. This is very simple: they are low in calories, easily digestible, enrich the body with a mass of vitamins and minerals, and most importantly - stimulate digestion and improve bowel function.

The Benefits of Raw Vegetables

Raw vegetables are not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also a kind of "brush" for cleaning the body. Thanks to a large number of coarse fibers, they gently massage the digestive organs from the inside and remove from their surface all the residues and small particles that can provoke the processes of decay. This allows you to remove from the body toxins and toxins, improve digestion and normalize excretory function with constipation.

It should be noted that with certain diseases of the stomach, boiled vegetables for slimming are much better suited - they act more gently, but at the same time remain light and do not interfere with the weight loss process.

What vegetables are useful for losing weight?

It is widely believed that it is the green vegetables for weight loss that are optimal. There is some truth to this - spinach, broccoli , green beans, cucumbers, Peking, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts are really excellent for low-calorie diets because of their small energy value.

However, green vegetables are not all the gifts of nature for weight loss. Vegetables of other colors, which do not contain much starch, are also suitable. This and tomatoes, and pepper, and eggplant, and zucchini, and carrots, and beets, and much more.

The list of unwanted vegetables for weight loss includes corn, peas, beans, beans and potatoes - that is, foods that contain too much starch.