Green Slimming Cocktail

There are many different drinks that help to cope with excess weight. Separately it is necessary to tell about advantage of green cocktails as they clear an organism of slags and saturate it with useful substances. For the preparation of such drinks you can use not high-calorie fruits and vegetables , as well as greens.

Helpful information

To prepare a green slimming cocktail, you must follow several important rules:

Vegetable cocktail with ginger



With a blender, all ingredients must be mixed to a homogeneous consistency.

Cocktail of greenery



In a blender, combine all vegetables and water, and then, add a pinch of coriander and black pepper, as well as a few drops of lemon juice.

Fruit cocktail with spinach



First, using a blender, you need to grind the fruits and berries with water and then add the greens.

Watermelon Cocktail



Watermelon and water crushed in a blender, put the salad and beat everything to a homogeneous consistency.

Reset a large amount of excess weight, using only green cocktails you will not work, so combine them with proper nutrition and regular physical activity.