Tea sauce - benefit and harm

Adding the prickly fruit sausep in green tea - a kind of know-how of some manufacturers. But this sort of drink has already caught on to many, and the benefits and harms of sausep tea have mostly been studied by specialists.

Benefit and harm of green tea saucep

After the connection with saucep green tea acquires a lot of useful properties. The usual tonic drink, according to many experts, is transformed into a remedy for:

And this is not a complete list. Sausep has a rich vitamin-mineral composition and all this abundance of fruit conveys a tea drink. Many people who use tea with sausep, noted that they have improved brain activity, they have become more balanced and more enduring. Experts note that to date, not all the properties of the fruit of sausep have been studied, and it is possible that the spectrum of its influence will expand and oncological diseases. And since tea with sausep accelerates metabolism, it is able to help and lose weight.

Besides the benefits, it is worth mentioning the delicious taste of tea with sausep. This fruit is most often enriched with green tea, but on the market you can also find black varieties of tea with sausep. The first option, of course, is more useful, because tea leaves undergo minimal processing. The taste of tea with sausep is rich, with notes of caramel and pineapple, which undoubtedly will appeal to real connoisseurs of exotic varieties.

But, despite the many useful properties of tea with sausep, this drink also has contraindications. It is not recommended this type of tea with increased acidity of the stomach, insomnia , tachycardia, frequent headaches and emotional excitability. With caution, you can drink sausep tea to pregnant and lactating women, as well as during menstruation.