The make-up artist draws fast food and fruits on your face, from which you will lose your appetite!

If you are now on a diet, then do not worry - you will not really want to pamper yourself with these delicious foods in the near future ...

Remember the make-up artist's work in the form of optical illusions, from which we felt dizzy? So, 31-year-old Mimi Choi from Canadian Vancouver continued to shock the public with her three-dimensional hyperrealistic make-up works, although this time, when you see them, you will lose your appetite!

You will not believe, but today the girl draws on her face and body parts, everything we love very much - pizza, hot dogs, sushi and even French fries.

1. This pizza will cause, perhaps, a lump in the throat!

2. Do you also today cancel the trip to a Japanese restaurant?

3. If only this hand does not move!

4. Horror movies rest!

5. Only not french fries. We loved her so much!

6. For an impressive effect, move away from the monitor!

7. Well, now, with fruit for lunch, we can not eat ...

8. We hope Mimi Choi does not get to the cakes!

9. You also the word - "disgusting", the first came to mind?

10. You can not tell from the "original"!

11. This is the nightmare of McDonald's employees!

12. Do you believe your eyes?

13. Well, everything, with an appetite today, you can say goodbye!