9 Ways to Fight Oily Hair

Sometimes it is enough to correct hair care to get rid of the problem.

If your hair looks greasy within a few hours after you have washed it, you might want to think about what is wrong with what you are doing. And the answer is not to wash your hair more often or use tons of dry shampoo. We counted the nine most common mistakes in hair care and suggest ways to eliminate them.

Mistake # 1: you use too little shampoo.

Washing your hair without shampoo is popular today, but that's why hair can remain fat. Shampoo helps to wash off excess fat, scales of dead skin and dirt, which otherwise settle on the hair, giving them an untidy look.

Tip: use a sufficient amount of shampoo for each head wash.

Mistake # 2: you wash your head too often.

If you wash your head too often, paradoxically, but it can lead to the opposite effect - the hair will become fat. In this case, the fat from the scalp will be constantly washed off, and to compensate for the loss, the glands will work more intensively, releasing more fat. The decisive role in this case is played by the environment.

Tip: if you live outside the city surrounded by clean air of low humidity, you just need to wash your head two or three times a week. If you live in a big city, wash your head every day.

Mistake # 3: you do not apply the air conditioner correctly.

For healthy nutrition, the hair conditioner is necessary, but the expression "there is not much good" is clearly inappropriate here. The conditioner contains softening elements that promote the nutrition of the scalp and, accordingly, the appearance of an additional lubricant, which is undesirable in oily hair. To prevent this, you need to wash your head with shampoo, rinse it and then apply conditioner to the second half of the length of the hair, avoiding the root area. So you will wash off excess fat from your head and soak the ends.

Tip: you can save time by simultaneously applying shampoo to the roots and conditioner on a part of the hair from the nape to the ends, then wash it all off.

Mistake # 4: you wash your head in too hot water.

Hot water dries the scalp and, as compensation, the glands begin to release excess fat.

Tip: Wash your head in warm water, and then rinse the ends under the cold flowing - the hair chalices will close, which will give the hair a shine.

Mistake # 5: You use too heavy hair cosmetics.

Wax for hair, various creams and oils can affect the fat content of hair, because they contain emollients and natural oils.

Tip: Choose lighter agents and watch how they affect your hair: if the strands become too smooth and slippery, it's best not to use anything.

Mistake No. 6: you straighten your hair every day.

If you use the straightening forceps too often, it can also negatively affect the look of your hair. During this procedure, the hair begins to lie close to the roots and scalp, gaining fat.

Advice: try to straighten your hair no more than three times a week.

Mistake # 7: you do not clean the curling iron and do not wash the brush and comb.

Fat from dirty combs or plaques goes to clean hair.

Tip: check the instructions on how to properly clean the curl, and wash the brush with warm soapy water.

Mistake # 8: you are combing too often.

The popular myth that for beautiful hair you need to hold a comb on them 100 times, no more than a delusion. In fact, excessive scratching can make hair even fatter, because it stimulates the glands.

Tip: untangle the hair, passing the comb from the bottom up, and lay, but do not overdo it.

Mistake No. 9: you rely too much on dry shampoo.

Of course, dry shampoo can help out in the face of an eternal lack of time, but this does not mean that it can be used for several days in a row. With repeated continuous use, it accumulates on the roots and clogs the pores.

Advice: use dry shampoo once a day if necessary, necessarily alternating dry procedure with full washing of hair.