Italian salad with pasta

Italian salad with pasta (more precisely, with pasta) is the result of a completely logical and natural development of Italian culinary thought. Salads with pasta are good because they can be cooked quickly. In addition, you can use almost any other ingredients, that is, there are a great many variants of a recipe for salad with macaroni. You can cook from everything that remains in the refrigerator, of course, following the general principles of Italian cooking. Most likely, historically, the tradition of preparing such salads is exactly the way it was created - prepared from leftovers, so this is a completely rational, profitable and economical approach to the use of products.

Choose the right pasta correctly

The type of paste used for salads can be practically anything, excluding long products. However, pasta should be prepared from wheat of hard varieties, on the package look for the words "group A, the highest grade". For filling hot salad with pasta (usually using just cooked pasta or slightly warming up the leftovers in a pan), you can use different sauces, for example, the popular Mediterranean sauce aioli, garlic-lemon sauce, yogurt, home-made mayonnaise and others.

Italian warm salad with pasta


For refueling you will need:


Pour water into a large saucepan, add a spoonful of oil, slightly add and bring the water to a boil. Cook pasta 8-10 minutes, it should not boil, and stay al dente and throw it back in a colander. Tomatoes we cut slices, a ham and sweet pepper - a short straw, cheese we rub on a large grater. Mix all ingredients (including, warm pasta) in a salad bowl. Mix the ingredients of the sauce, add the squeezed garlic. We pour salad dressing, add crushed greenery, not regretting. Stirring. Here, it's as simple as: an Italian salad with pasta is ready, you can serve salad to the table, it would be nice - with light light table wine.

Add seafood

You can prepare a delicious Italian salad with pasta and seafood.


For the sauce we take:


Boil the purified squid carcasses for 3 minutes - no more, then cool and cut into short straws. Boil the water in a large saucepan. Add 1 tablespoon oil and fill in the paste. Let's cook the paste al dente, that is, for 8-10 minutes and throw it back into the colander. Beans boil separately, as indicated on the package, and let us discard the colander. Open the jar of tuna, transfer the contents to a salad bowl and mash with a fork. Add the rest of the ingredients. We will cut the tomatoes into slices. We mix it. Prepare the sauce: mix the garlic with the remaining ingredients. Shoot the salad and mix. Let's put the salad portioned on green lettuce leaves, decorate with greens. You can serve to a table with light pink or white table wine.