Red rice - good and bad

Red rice is one of the most useful varieties of this cereal. It is known to mankind for a long time, in general it is one of the oldest cultures. For example, once the red rice, the benefit and harm of which was discussed even in the ancient Chinese treatises of the sages, was considered an exclusively imperial plant. This opinion was due to the fact that it was rather difficult to receive it in this form. In this case, the ancient inhabitants of China were aware of how useful it is. This cereal regularly entered the menu of aristocrats, because it was to awaken in them the strength of the spirit , to strengthen the vital forces of the organism, to rid it of all evil, that is, to purify. Such properties were later reinforced by research by scientists who drew attention to the excellent chemical composition and the ideal balance of the product.

Benefit and harm of red rice

To begin with, you need to say that this plant is not completely harmless. Like the other species, it is best not to abuse them, as this can affect the figure. The properties of red rice can lead to the fact that the processes of purification in our body will be too strong. As a result, the kidney function becomes extremely active, especially if you combine dishes with this cereal and the adoption of certain vegetable oils, for example, aimed at a similar effect. However, the glycemic index of red rice is significantly lower than that of white, due to fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar level, downward. But if the body is important to get more glucose, then it makes sense, then, to revise its menu.

What is useful for this cereal?

It should be noted that the product under discussion is valued for a reason. It has a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines. In addition, the benefit of red rice is based on the presence in it of 8 amino acids, which are essential for our body for full-fledged work and adequate functioning. In this case, it is in such a combination that they are very rare. But the calorie content of red rice is not so great, especially if we are talking about a boiled option. It is approximately 200 calories per 100 grams of product. In fact, this is an average. It can not be called dietary, but it is also not dangerous for a figure to be considered.

A large amount of iron makes such rice a very important food link in the diet for those who suffer from anemia. Not less there is calcium, so it's no surprise that in India, for example, it is actively used to make breakfast for children. If you want to know what red rice is good for, for example, pregnant women, pay attention to the presence of iodine, potassium and sodium in its composition. But notice, just because of iodine they do not need to abuse women in position. The surplus of this substance can be dangerous for the fetus. Especially neat It's worth to be ladies in the first trimester.

Red rice, thanks to its soft shell, has already won many European markets. To taste it is quite interesting. The dishes of the cereal give a shade of rye bread, which makes their taste more diverse and unusual. If you are tired of ordinary white rice, you can try to switch to red.

Despite the fact that it is somewhat more expensive, its benefits and satiety pay back fairly quickly. Due to the influence on the musculature of the intestine, cereals are recommended to be eaten by those who lead a passive lifestyle and move very little. And the absence of gluten means that the product will not have a protein that causes allergies.