How to wash the kettle off scale?

Over time, each kettle or electric spiral in it builds up a layer of scale. It is a deposit of potassium and magnesium salts from hard water. Even if you always use filtered water from the formation of scale, you can not escape. Electric may break due to overheating of a dirty spiral, and using a conventional teapot with a scum is dangerous to health.

In all methods of cleaning the kettle at home from scale, various solutions with acid are used.

How to remove scale in the kettle?

Removal of scale in a metal kettle with vinegar is the simplest and most effective way. You will need to pour a liter of water and half a glass of vinegar into the kettle - bring the solution to a boil and watch how the scum is removed. If it still holds - boil the kettle for about 15 minutes. For enameled teapots, a method of cleaning soda is suitable. It is necessary to fill it with water with the addition of a tablespoon of soda, slowly boil for 30 minutes. After that, the kettle should be washed and left on fire with clean water, so that the soda remains removed.

When running, it is necessary to use alternating boiling with soda, then with citric acid, then with vinegar. This method is not suitable for electric kettles.

Apple, potato peeling can also be used to remove scale. You will need to wash them well, pour water and boil for a while, then you should pour out the water, wash the kettle. This method is also not used for electric kettles.

How to wash off the electric kettle?

The electric kettle is removed from the scale with a solution of citric acid. In a liter of water, you need to add two packets of acid and boil. The raid from the spiral will disappear without a trace.

In order not to collide with the old scum, it is necessary to boil the kettle once a month with the addition of citric acid and to pour fresh, filtered water into it every time.