How to choose a water filter?

A healthy lifestyle is now in vogue. It is not enough to eat properly and prepare food for a couple, you need to cook and wash the food in the "right" water. Have you ever wondered which way the water passes before it enters your house? Of course, it is cleaned and disinfected, but it still needs to go a long way along the pipes to the apartment. That is why it is so important to be able to choose a filter for water purification.

The best filter for water treatment

Before choosing a filter for water, we will understand their types. Filters are distinguished by the type of device and the principle of operation. To find the best and suitable water filter for your family, first consider how much water you plan to use every day. Some prefer to filter only that water that is used directly for drinking. In other families, they prefer to cook food only in purified water. It is important to take into account the quality of the water used, in different areas it can be very different. So, the best water filter can be of the following type:

  1. The accumulative type. If you plan to clean only water for drinking, then the best water filter in your case is a jug. In the top bowl you pour water from the tap, it seeps through the cartridge with the cleaners into the bottom of the jug. The big plus of this type is that it does not need to be connected to a tap or hose. This is an excellent option for a summer residence or a trip. In a single jar, you can put several different types of cartridges, so here you can determine the most suitable method for you by the trial method. A minus can be called a limited amount of filtered water at a time - no more than 2-2.5 liters.
  2. Attachment on the crane. This type of cleaner has the appearance of a keg, which is installed directly on the tap. Such a water filter is the best option for a long trip. It can be taken with you, complete with a lot of adapters for any type of crane. But this type of cleaner is unproductive: in a minute you can clean from glass to half liters.
  3. Table filters. These filters have a sufficiently high degree of purification and are connected directly to the faucet. On the sink, install the body in the form of a cylinder next to the tap. This is the minus: you need to free up space under the body, the cleaner is attached to the tap.
  4. Stationary filters. This is a whole system, which consists of several tanks with different filter elements. In addition to cleaners, there is a separate container for clean water of about 10 liters. Such filters are installed under the table and output a separate tap on the sink. If you have a large family or small children, it is better to choose a filter for this type of water, since it can cover all the necessary liters of water used per day. A stationary filter for water purification has the best level of purification, but its cost is an order of magnitude higher than that of the others.

What should be a water filter?

Design and cost of cleaners are on the second or third place, the quality of the water is much more important. Each type of filter can have several degrees of purification:

To properly choose a water filter for your family, think carefully about all the requirements that you would like to present to the cleaner, and the cost that you are willing to pay. In very great detail, tell the sales consultant, for what purposes you want to buy a cleaner, so it will be easier for him to pick up a suitable model for you.