Gas heater for cottages

Most dacha massifs do not have gas supply, and therefore in the cold period there is an acute problem of heating the premises in winter. If you live outside the city on a permanent basis, it makes sense to install electric heating. But if you just visit from time to time, then it's best to use a household gas heater for a dacha.

To date, the market for such equipment is represented by several different models that differ in size, size of heated area, and also are room or suitable for heating open spaces - verandas , arbors, sites.

Street gas heaters for summer residence

In order to create a comfortable environment even in the cold on the street, original gas heaters are used, which not only do their job well, but also decorate any outdoor event.

They are a bit like a smaller version of a street lamp. Underneath the decorative plating of the curbstone, which can be in the form of a cylinder or trapezoid, is a gas cylinder with 27 liters.

On the rod, inside which passes a strong gas hose, is an infrared heater that works much more efficiently than other types. To protect from the weather, and as a reflective reflector, a tempered glass cover is used.

The whole structure weighs 30 kg and stably stands on most surfaces. But if nevertheless there was a trouble and the heater turned over, then the built-in security system will immediately block the flow of gas.

Ceramic Gas Heater

Perhaps the best gas heater for a dacha is a device with a ceramic infrared heating element that does not heat the air, but the objects in the room, as well as the people in it. Models can differ from each other by external criteria, and the size of the heated area, but the principle of their work is the same.

In winter frost, when it usually takes a long time to warm up the room, this method is very effective and the person immediately begins to feel the heat. Such a heater has a high fire safety. Even in case of overturning, it does not light up, but only extinguishes the flame on the burner.

The flame lights up inside the device due to the piezoelectric element, which meets modern requirements for user convenience and its safety. As a rule, the body is made of metal, but this does not mean that it can be burned, because the burner is inside the appliance behind the fireproof barrier.

In addition to all the above listed positive qualities, the ceramic heater can be programmed for a preset time and temperature, and then there will not be a need to turn it off permanently when it overheats and turn on again when the room temperature decreases.

Gas heat gun

If you are not versed in gas heaters, and do not know which is better and which one to choose for a dacha, we recommend that you pay attention to a very powerful heat gun. Like all equipment of this type, it works at the expense of liquefied gas, which comes from the cylinder through the hose to the burner.

Inside the metal bulb-housing there is a powerful fan that spreads heat in the room, and at very high speed. Such equipment is suitable for short-term heating of the premises, if the winter sortie to the country does not imply residence, because the heat gun burns the air and is quite noisy when working.

Whichever equipment you choose for heating the dacha in winter, its main quality should be reliability. Do not trust dubious brands and too low a price, because this directly can be associated with a risk to life.