Delegation of authority in management - pros and cons

Effective work of the company is the merit of the whole working collective. If in such an organization each employee copes with the set tasks, and at the same time can take over the work of a superior leader, success is obvious. Let's try to find out what are the principles of delegation of authority and what is delegation in time management .

What is delegation of authority?

Not every leader knows what delegation is. The delegation of authority is understood as the process of transferring some of the manager's functions to other managers or employees in order to fulfill certain assigned tasks of the organization. It is used both to improve and optimize the workforce of the manager. It is customary to identify the opposite concepts of the process by which authority can be delegated. This is a classic concept, as well as the concept of acceptance of authority.

Psychology of delegation of authority

At enterprises and organizations, delegation of authority is the process of transferring the heads of some part of their work to others. Such delegation is psychologically justified if:

  1. The manager is overworked and can not solve the problem on his own.
  2. Through the transfer of work to employees, the manager will have more time to solve very important issues that can be solved solely by him.
  3. Subordinated employees have developed managerial preparedness and there is a need to involve them in participating in the preparation and adoption of important management decisions.

However, sometimes during the delegation process the following errors are allowed:

  1. Delegation of authority without assigning certain responsibilities to employees.
  2. The process of transferring part of the work is contrary to the duties of the employees.
  3. Delegation of responsibility without authority.

How is delegation different from setting tasks?

Often, managers assume such concepts as delegation and statement of tasks for the same thing, although in reality these two functions differ from each other. So, the essence of delegation lies in the process of transferring a certain part of the work from the leader to the subordinates. As for the formulation of tasks, here we are talking about the necessary jobs that relate to the official duties of the employee.

Advantages and disadvantages of delegation

Before submitting your work to a subordinate, it is important to think about the consequences, since delegation of authority has its advantages and disadvantages. Obviously, it motivates employees to work even more productively and strive for career growth. In addition, delegation in management is economically very profitable for the enterprise. However, at the same time, managers must understand that by transferring their work to their subordinates, they risk tearing down time and incurring responsibility for this to the higher management.

Pros of Delegating Authority

There are such advantages of delegation:

  1. The process of transferring work to subordinates is an effective method of motivation. So, if the manager transfers his work to a subordinate, thereby increasing his responsibility and increasing productivity.
  2. This process is a very good way to improve the qualifications of employees. If a person does a new job for him, it will stimulate him to master an unfamiliar sphere of activity and in the future to use the acquired knowledge and experience.
  3. Delegation of authority is a huge incentive in the work of subordinates who feel themselves to be masters in certain areas of work. Over time, it accustoms to independence and prepares people to move to high positions.
  4. The process of transferring work to subordinates saves the company's funds.
  5. Delegation is an excellent way to speed up certain processes. The manager can not and should not understand everything. It is expedient to transfer such tasks to subordinates.
  6. This process is an excellent chance to concentrate on more significant and complex tasks. So, when the manager shifts routine work to his subordinates, thereby he frees time for solving important issues and implementing priority projects.

Disadvantages of delegation of authority

Such a process as delegation of authority in an organization has the following disadvantages:

  1. When transferring their duties to employees, the manager can not be sure of the proper quality of implementation. For this reason, the main task here will be the selection of a competent specialist in this matter.
  2. The likelihood that an employee may not be able to cope with the tasks assigned. When setting deadlines, it is important to leave a few days for possible force majeure.
  3. The responsibility for the executed or unfulfilled task in any case will be borne by the manager. Although a certain part of the responsibility is assigned to the employee, the manager, and not the subordinate, will have to report for the task not completed in time.
  4. The probability that the subordinate will perform the task posed is better than the leader.

Delegation of authority in management

Its objectives are delegated authority in the work of the manager:

  1. The release of time delegating to solve problems in which it is more difficult, or at all can not be replaced.
  2. Increase motivation for those to whom authority is delegated.
  3. Increase confidence in the work team.
  4. Check subordinates for duty.

In theories of democratic governance, delegation is understood to mean that every person has the power of birth, or in accordance with civil rights. Citizens can delegate these powers in the election process in order to fulfill specific tasks that require specialization and competence, including management skills.

Delegation Objectives

I distinguish such goals of delegation of authority:

  1. Increase the efficiency of subordinates.
  2. Reduce the load of managers, free them from turnover and create the most acceptable conditions for solving both strategic and prospective management tasks. In this case, delegating is fighting with turnover.
  3. Train prospective employees and in the future to form a staff reserve.
  4. Increase the involvement and commitment of employees. Delegation can be perceived as a special trust and at the same time be a means of moral encouragement.

Rules for delegation of authority

There are such rules of delegation:

  1. Own powers must be transferred only for the good of the cause, and not for prestige.
  2. Delegation of authority should be used as a tool for strengthening employees' self-confidence .
  3. Delegates need the support of the manager. To this you need to be ready.
  4. It is important to consider the probability of making erroneous and not the most accurate decisions. At the same time, there are tasks, the solution of which must be impeccable. Such tasks do not need to be delegated to a subordinate.
  5. The credentials and functions must be transferred directly to the person who will perform the task.
  6. Criticism should be expressed cautiously. It is necessary to understand the situation and demand explanations for what reason this or that mistake occurred.
  7. The manager must take responsibility for all decisions.

Types of delegation

Such a process as delegation in management is divided into two main types:

  1. Delegation of authority without transferring responsibility is such a process of transferring employees to tasks, the responsibility for which remains with the manager. So, the subordinate performs the assigned task, reports to the manager, and he reports to his supervisor
  2. Delegation of authority and responsibility is the process of transferring not only assignments to the subordinate, but also responsibility for their implementation before higher management.

Reverse delegation

Sometimes the problems of delegation of authority make the manager think about the need to transfer work to his subordinates. Especially when the leader faces reverse delegation. Under reverse delegation is understood such a situation, when employees return the task entrusted to the manager. Among the reasons for this process:

  1. Subordinates do not want to take chances.
  2. The insecurity of the subordinate in their own strength.
  3. The subordinate does not have the necessary information and opportunities to successfully cope with the tasks.
  4. The manager can not refuse to respond to requests for help.

Books on delegation of authority

Do not make annoying mistakes in the process of transferring work from the manager to the subordinate will help books on delegation:

  1. "One-Minute Manager and Monkeys" Kenneth Blanchard . The book tells about a fussy manager, who could not cope with his work. Only when a man learned to control monkeys did he understand where he made mistakes in his work.
  2. "How to delegate authority. 50 lessons on stickers »Sergey Potapov . A well-known business coach in his book talks about practical tricks in not such a simple process of delegation.
  3. "Delegation of authority" Richard Luke . The book will tell you why it is important for each leader to delegate his powers, what stages the process consists of and how to solve the main problems.