How to whiten jeans?

Jeans wear has long become an integral part of our wardrobe. Adjusting to the fashion, we can either throw away an expensive thing, or, applying all of your imagination, redo the style or color. Most often we are interested in the question of how to whiten your favorite jeans so that they have served us for some time.

Several ways to whiten jeans

  1. The easiest way to whiten jeans at home is whiteness , which, like any chlorine-containing substance, acts very aggressively on the coloring. Known to all the procedure is to keep pants in boiling water with bleach for 20 minutes (1 glass per bucket of water). It is necessary to constantly ensure that jeans do not come up. Twisting, constrictions and various knots will help to achieve an unusual effect in the cooking process.
  2. Dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in a liter of water, and you will get a liquid in which to soak the thing for bleaching. The same result will be achieved if instead of lemon juice in water add a teaspoon of citric acid . All kinds of pictures applied with this solution will help create an exclusive version of clothing.
  3. If you want to slightly lighten only the front halves of trousers, add a bleach in the water in the ratio of 1: 1. Rub the solution with a brush in a damp cloth until it brightens. The device in the form of a plaque inserted into the pant leg will serve as a partition between the rear and front panels. Sometimes, to achieve the desired effect, the procedure is repeated, changing the concentration of the solution. At the end of the work done, the thing must be washed and rinsed in water with the addition of vinegar.
  4. You can try to bleach the jeans with baking soda , which acts as a weak clarifier. A small amount (10-20 grams per liter of water) is added to the water and starts to be washed by hand, since the washing machine, working in an aggressive environment, can deteriorate.
  5. Two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide , added to the washing powder, works as a clarifier of clothing.
  6. You can bleach jeans with such household chemicals as Domestos . To do this, in a three-liter jar of water we dilute half a glass of substance, then we soak the jeans with the necessary amount of solution, controlling the degree of bleaching of the tissue.

Remember that any of the bleaching agents harm your hands, so be sure to stock yourself with rubber gloves.