How to make a fan of paper?

In this master class we will talk about how to make a fan of paper. A simple design and a minimum of materials necessary for its creation will allow you to create a paper fan in just a few minutes. You can use it for a children's party, a themed party or on a hot summer day for a specific purpose.

Simple paper fan

Necessary materials:

Option 1

  1. Glue together 4 sticks from the Eskimo.
  2. Arrange the resulting design over a sheet of paper and mark with a pencil the canvas of the future fan.
  3. Cut out two identical parts.
  4. Glue them on both sides to a base of wooden sticks.
  5. A fan of paper, created by own hands is ready!

Option 2

  1. Prepare the necessary materials and select a bowl of suitable diameter.
  2. Two sticks from ice cream, connect the adhesive tape, as shown in the photo.
  3. Place the bowl on a piece of paper, circle and cut two identical circles.
  4. Glue the workpieces from both sides to the base.
  5. You can create a fan of smaller paper, using for the stem only one stick from the eskimo.

Cute fans are ready to decorate your holiday.

Fan of paper in origami technique

Necessary materials:


Let's start the master class on creating a fan of paper:

  1. Fold all three sheets of paper with ornament.
  2. Glue them together.
  3. Paint the fan base.
  4. Make a hole with an awl.
  5. Sew the base with a thread.
  6. Glue the unit with a piece of paper.
  7. It turns out here is a blank for a fan of paper in the origami technique.
  8. Glue on the sides of wooden sticks.
  9. Draw a second strip of paper and pour it on top of the wooden fan base.
  10. To fix the fan you can use a small transparent rubber band.

The paper fan is ready!