Decembrist: home care

For some reason even among experienced florists it is believed that all ornamental plants sleep in winter, but is it so? That's the way it is, but there are exceptions to any rule. That's the exception and is a houseplant Decembrist, care at home, which we will consider today.

Decembrist: growing and care at home

To understand what this unusual inhabitant of city window-sills loves, let us turn to a small historical chronicle about the Decembrist. This plant has many names. Call it a flower and a cervical neck, and Barbarian spit, and a Christmas flower, and Schlumberger's zigacactus. He comes from the tropical forests of South America, where under the arches of mighty trees it is always gloomy and humid, and the temperature does not change for years. It is this climate that should be tried to create for zigakactus at home.

Why such trouble? Yes to the fact that the Decembrist, if care at home to follow it correctly, among the winter cold gives you a cascade of aromas and colors of turbulent flowering. It should be noted that the standard colors of Barbarian braids are white and bright red. But thanks to tireless efforts of breeders, every year new hybrids with unusual colors appear. By the way, some varieties of the Decembrist with proper care bloom up to three times a year, I think, for the sake of such a result it is worthwhile to tinker.

How to care for the Decembrist?

Remembering that the plant is tropical, and does not like direct sunlight, it is best to put it in a place where the light will be muffled. In summer, the Decembrist can be carried to a balcony or garden in the country, but it is better to place it either near the eastern or north-eastern window with a translucent curtain or under the dense crowns of fruit trees.

But to temperature regimes zigakactus is very stable. It feels fine in the range of +2 to + 35 ° C, but the most comfortable condition the flower experiences at + 18-22 ° C. And the Decembrist does not like overflows. If the earth clod is always damp, it can cause roots to rot and various plant diseases appear.

Diseases of the Decembrist

What can a Christmas flower get? Firstly, when overflowing, roots can rot. If this happens, then try to revive the plant by removing the rotten roots and changing the soil. If this is already impossible, then it remains only to try to root the stem. In general, the soil in the pot must consist of sand, peat, sheet soil and small brick chips, the latter will provide quality drainage.

Secondly, the Decembrist, like many other plants, is exposed to fungi, bacteria and pests, for example, scabies, mealybugs or spider mites. Coping with them will help special drugs and proper care.

Decembrist flower: reproduction

If the flower of the Decembrist could not be saved, only the path of reproduction remains. Choose another healthy process and carefully, without a knife and scissors, with one hand, separate several segments. In a broad but shallow pot, prepare a mixture of peat, sand, leaf land and brick crumbs, taken approximately fifty-fifty. Soil the soil with warm, steady water and put a separated segment of the Decembrist there. And then cover the pot with a plastic bag or glass jar. Periodically ventilate and water this impromptu kid, and soon the young plant will take root and go into growth.

Why does the flower of the Decembrist not blossom?

But it happens that you create normal conditions, and nothing threatens the health of the plant, and the flower does not bloom in the Decembrist, why is it so? And for laziness, the flowers, you see, sometimes get lazy, you'll have to shake it up a little.

For this, first of September to early December, the flower does not fertilize, reduce its watering and put it in a more shaded place. So say, make him get some sleep. And at the end of November and beginning of December they again begin intensive feeding, increase watering and transfer the flower to a more lit place. After such manipulations, the Decembrist quickly wakes up and gives a stormy budding.

Why are the flowers falling from the Decembrist?

But here's the ill luck, the flower woke up, kicked out buds, started to bloom and suddenly dropped the non-petrous petals - what's the matter? It's very simple - since the Decembrist began budding, it can no longer be disturbed, you can turn the pot, touch with your hands and, moreover, move from place to place. You can only gently watered and admire the indescribable beauty.