Orange spots on pear leaves

Quite often, beginning gardeners literally do not know what to do, noticing that on the leaves of the pear appeared orange spots. How to deal with this misfortune and whether it is possible to save your beloved pear - let's understand together.

Why do orange spots appear on the leaves of the pear?

So, you noticed that the pear leaves are covered with orange spots, most reminiscent of rust stains. This means that your pet has become a victim of a fungal disease, the name of which sounds so - rust pear. Where does it come from for pears? Ironically, the culprit of the pear's defeat is growing nearby juniper, which has recently acquired immense popularity as an ornamental plant. It is on this plant that the rust-inhibiting fungi winter to transfer to the pear with the onset of warm days. The first from the uninvited guests suffer pear leaves, on the upper side of which spots of orange color are formed. By the second half of summer on the lower part of the affected leaves dense yellow outgrowths are formed, in which spores of the fungus are formed. Over time, the damage affects the branches and fruits of the pear, which can lead to the death of the whole tree.

On the leaves of the pear orange spots - what to do?

What to do if the pear became a victim of rust? As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than treat, so do not forget about preventive measures:

  1. It is not necessary to plant a juniper in the immediate vicinity of fruit trees. And this applies not only to pears, but also apple trees, and plums - they can also suffer from fungi that live on juniper.
  2. At the slightest signs of defeat, the affected leaves need to be carefully removed and Destroy, and all the fallen from the affected pear leaves to collect and burn.
  3. As is known, for active reproduction, fungi need water, so it is important to ensure that the leaves of the pear do not get moisture during irrigation.

If the rust is damaged most of the tree or several trees in the garden, it is necessary to spray the Bordeaux liquid or any of its substitutes. Treatment of rust Bordeaux liquid is carried out twice: in the spring and in the first ten days of June, not forgetting except for the pear to process and juniper . In addition, from junipers, it is necessary to remove all branches on which outgrowths with spores of fungal parasite are observed.