How to care for hyacinth - simple rules for flowering at home

Initially, the flower hyacinth is a garden blooming plant, but more often it is grown as an indoor plant, and quite successfully. In order for it to grow well and flourish in a timely manner, it is important to know all the rules how to care for hyacinth at home.

How to plant the hyacinth bulb correctly?

Growing hyacinth at home after him begins with his planting. Depending on the size of the bulbs and the pot, one can grow up to three bulbs together, but the tubers should not be allowed to come in contact with the pot walls or with each other. The room hyacinth is unpretentious, but it is important that its planting is carried out in a suitable soil. This should be a substrate for flowering plants, river sand is poured onto the bottom of the pot to a height of 2 cm as drainage .

The main rule when planting is to completely bury the bulb in the ground, it should be raised above the substrate. After the landing, the ground must be well ground, poured and sprinkled on top with a small layer of sand. Then the vase should be placed in a plastic bag, tied, making a couple of air intake holes, and put in a dark cool place.

After a while, and more specifically - after 10-14 days, when the bulb takes root, the vase should be taken from the storage place, the package removed and placed in a well-lit warm place, the window sill or loggia is good for this. From this moment the bulb will begin to grow. Another popular way to grow a hyacinth bulb at home - without using soil, in water, it will be successful if mineral fertilizers are regularly added to the water.

Tableware for planting hyacinths

The result will grow hyacinth room at home, depends on how much quality care it receives, but first you should correctly choose the capacity for it. If one bulb grows in one flower pot, we select the size of the pot depending on the size of the bulb - the pot should be 1.5 - 2 cm larger in diameter. The material does not matter - it will equally well grow both in budget plastic and expensive ceramics. The main thing is that there are holes for drainage.

Terms of planting hyacinths

The timing of the planting of the hyacinth in the garden depends on the weather - air and soil temperature, at home, the time of the year does not matter. Most growers adjust the time of planting in the pot with the desired flowering date, for example, by March 8. Hyacinth in the apartment blooms after 2.5 months after planting, but the success of this event depends on what conditions to create and how to take care of it.

Hyacinth - repeated landing

Hyacinth in a pot fades by the end of spring, and by the end of summer its leaves wither, and it is important to know how to care for the bulb at home so that it can be re-planted. After drying the leaves, it should be excavated, well cleaned from the ground, put in a cardboard box and placed in a cool dark place with normal air circulation. At the end of winter (or at another time when you planned to land), the bulb should be removed, inspected for damage and decay. If it is healthy, it can be planted repeatedly, and it is done exactly the same as the first time.

How to care for hyacinth at home?

Before you buy a hyacinth bulb for planting, you should know what kinds of this flower are feeling good at home:

For successful growing it is important to know how to care for hyacinth in a pot. The first thing to do is to provide him with good conditions.

  1. Location. Hyacinth loves the abundance of sunlight, and the ideal place for it is a window or loggia on the south-eastern side. But at the same time, too bright direct rays, especially in the summer, are harmful to the hyacinth, so it should be shaded slightly.
  2. Temperature. Hyacinth does not like the heat, it will be bad for him near the radiators. The optimum temperature for its cultivation at home is 20-22 ° C.
  3. Humidity. Too dry air is detrimental to the flower, it is good if there is an air humidifier or a container with water near it. But sprinkling of the flower is not worth it.

Hyacinth - how to care after purchase?

Bringing hyacinth from the store, the question becomes urgent, how to care for him? There is nothing special to do, just pay attention to the following:

  1. The size of the pot. Knowing the rules, what should be the pot for the hyacinth, look carefully, is it suitable for the flower.
  2. Presence of diseases and parasites. Examine carefully how the leaves of the plant look, whether there are any lesions in the form of holes, spots, cracks.
  3. Location. Choose a suitable place for the flower.

Regardless of how to care for hyacinth after purchase, its adaptation at home after the store may not be quite soft and easy. It is likely that the leaves can become lethargic, some may dry up. Do not worry, it's ok, just give the plant a little time. If the period of adaptation is delayed, it is necessary to start courting him, to feed him with universal fertilizers.

How to care for hyacinth after flowering?

In order to ensure a successful repeated landing, you should know how to care for the faded hyacinth. After the flower stem has dried, it should be cut off. But do not rush it while it's green. Next, the flower begins a period of rest, the soil should be moistened as needed, avoiding the drying of the soil, but also without making it excessively wet. Gradually, the leaves of the flower begin to dry out, and this is natural - the flower is preparing for the winter.

Bulb of hyacinth - how to care?

If you are planning a second landing, you should know how to take care of hyacinth during the wintering period. This implies the following:

  1. After scooping out the bulbs should be dried, peeled.
  2. If the bulb has small children, they must be separated before wintering. But it's better not to touch a very small baby.
  3. We provide the correct temperature regime. Store the bulbs for the first 2 months at 25-26 ° C, the third - at 17 ° C. Humidity of air should not be low.

Before planting bulbs should be examined for parasites and rot. If there are minor lesions, they should be carefully cut off, cut the sections with charcoal. If the hyacinth flower has received proper care before wintering, and the proper storage conditions have been created, it almost guarantees that it will germinate in the spring, it will grow and develop well, and also blossom in a timely and abundant manner.

How to water hyacinth?

For healthy growth and development, hyacinth should receive proper watering at home. Remember that this is a spring flower, and in spring the soil is always well moistened. Water should not be cold, it is good to use warm, or at least room temperature. Ideally, it's better to use thawed water or a stagnant water, but if you once pour hyacinth of ordinary tap, nothing bad will happen with the flower, the main thing is to continue to look after it properly.

How often to water the hyacinth in a pot?

Hyacinth does not tolerate a drought, so taking care of it at home in a pot is a timely watering. The regime of soil moistening depends on the temperature and humidity of the air, the drying of the soil should not be allowed - this is the rare case when the lack of moisture is more destructive than its excess. Approximately watering should be done 2-3 times a week, but it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the bulb, it is necessary to pour water on the soil only.

How to water flowering hyacinth?

Hyacinth indoor blooms long, how to care for it, so as not to harm him during this period? No special rules exist - it is important to continue to regularly moisten the soil, do not spray the plant. Remember that during this period, timely watering is particularly important, you can not neglect a flowering plant. In the water should be regularly added mineral fertilizers.

Top dressing for hyacinths in pots

Studying the question of how to properly care for hyacinth, one can not but pay attention to such a problem as the fertilizing of a flower in a pot, which is necessary at all stages of its life cycle. Bulbs that are at rest during the wintering period, it is useful to spray them with a solution of phosphate-potassium fertilizers. But the solution must be very weak, do not over-fill the bulbs.

Before planting the soil in the pot should prepare the soil - we mix the soil with a small amount of humus. Here, too, it is important to maintain a balance - an overabundance of easily decomposable organic matter may cause the flower to grow too rapidly, but the flower will not develop well, and problems with the formation of new bulbs may occur.

After planting twice a month, the plant must be fertilized with preparations that stimulate flowering. But be careful - excess fertilizing can lead to a change in the acidity of the soil, which is extremely unhelpful for the hyacinth. Blooming hyacinth is suitable for a mineral fertilizer for bulbous plants, it should be fed two or three times a month.

Hyacinth transplantation at home

The rules of how to care for hyacinth at home do not imply a transplant itself - it is planted in a vase in winter or autumn, and then digs out in the summer for storage. But there are situations where hyacinth requires special attention, and often a transplant is needed.

  1. Unsuitable pot. If, when you bring the hyacinth from the store, you see that the container is too small, that is, the bulb touches the walls, the flower should be transplanted.
  2. Rot. Decay of the bulb, which is easy to detect, requires immediate intervention. In this case, the bulb should be treated with special preparations and transplanted into a new substrate.
  3. Parasites. The appearance of parasites in the soil is detrimental to the flower, often in such cases the fungicides help, but it will be more effective to treat only the flower and change the soil.

The transplantation is easy - the plant is extracted from the soil, cleaned of husk and soil debris, examined for damage, we take measures, if necessary. Then we plant the bulb in the pot, water it abundantly and start courting by all the rules. Remember that most likely the period of adaptation will be difficult - the flower will look weak, sluggish and oppressed, and if you do not create a hyacinth of good growing conditions, it can die.