Boots with fur outside

Winter women's boots with fur outside are very popular for several seasons in a row. And it's not surprising, because they are unusually warm and at the same time look very beautiful on women's legs.

Boots with fur outside - what they are?

They make such boots from the rabbit, camel, raccoon and sheep's wool. Of course, you can often find boots made of artificial fur, but they are impractical, because in the cold feet in them freeze, and indoors - sweat. Yes, and the kind of boots made from artificial fur will soon be lost. Choosing shoes with fur, make sure that under it was genuine leather.

Models can differ in height of a heel or a wedge. The fur inserts themselves vary: it can be a wide fur lapel, boots-transformers, which from high leather boots turn into boots with fur outside.

Another variety - the boots, which were originally invented by the northern peoples and were exploited in severe winter conditions. Modern steeples are more elegant and decorative, while retaining excellent warm qualities.

Boots with fur outside - with what to wear?

Fur boots with high heels look best with fitted short puffs, fur coats or fur vests. Also, with these boots, it is appropriate to wear tight jeans or a narrowed skirt that slightly peels out from under the outer clothing. On your head, safely put on a soft stole or scarf. And on his hands - long gloves. In addition to the image, a fur bag is suitable as an accessory.

With boots you can wear jeans, tucking them inside the boot. As outerwear, short down jackets are recommended, and in addition to them - knitted hats and mittens. The image is very cozy and pleasant.

Boots-transformers need to be combined according to how you wear them. If you raise the lapel, you can wear boots with classic things, and the turned fur calls for a more athletic or street direction.

Positive and negative aspects of fur boots

Among the advantages of such shoes - they are soft, warm and very comfortable, give a special charm and elegance, perfectly combined with many types of outerwear.

The minuses of boots with fur outside - they are absolutely not suitable for wet weather, snowfall, as the fur becomes wet and adheres to the "icicles", because of which the shoes completely lose their attractive appearance. And yet - these shoes do not fit the pants, which can not be tucked inside the boot.

How to look different models of boots with fur outside - look at the photo.