Rolls "Philadelphia" - recipe

Rolls are a dish of Japanese cuisine. This is one of the varieties of sushi, twisted into sausages from rice and nori leaf (pressed algae). Rolls are prepared with the help of a bamboo mat - makisu. Usually rolls are twisted in such a way that the nori is outside and the rice is inside. But sometimes they are formed so that the algae sheet is inside, and the rice is outside.

How to prepare rolls "Philadelphia"?

The second original method will be discussed here. Namely - about the rolls of "Philadelphia". Lovers of sushi restaurants, once ordered this dish, for sure, appreciated it to its true worth. And, relishing exquisite food, asked themselves the question: how to prepare rolls "Philadelphia" with their own hands?



This kind of roll is very popular because of the gentle combination of salmon and cream cheese Philadelphia, which so successfully complement each other. To give the refined taste a roll, sprinkle with tobiko caviar. Also, the recipe allows the use of avocado . This nut with its oily and gentle consistency remarkably shades the taste of the roll.

Also in the menu of Japanese bars you can see in the recipe cucumber. Add it in order to save, since it is cheap and affordable. Using cucumber reduces the cost of a popular roll.

And useful information for those who monitor their health. How many calories are there in "Philadelphia" rolls? On average, 142 calories per 100 grams of dish.

So, how to prepare rolls "Philadelphia"?

  1. We spread the food film on a bamboo mat (makis) and put on it half a sheet of pressed nori algae. Wet your hands in water with lemon and spread the rice evenly over the entire surface of the leaf. We leave on the edge of the algae a strip about 1 cm not covered with rice. Then gently level it.
  2. We turn the nori sheet with rice, while the latter should appear on the mat covered with a foil. Now we apply a thin layer of wasabi to the algae. Cheese for rolls "Philadelphia" spread on the center of the sheet. We form from it a strip about 2 cm wide.
  3. Cut the cucumber into thin strips and spread on the cheese, evenly spreading over the entire length.
  4. Take the avocado, cut it in half, peel and cut into slices. We spread them on cheese with a cucumber.
  5. Now you need to make sure that the entire filling of the roll has the same length and thickness. After we filled the roll, we begin to gently twist it. Slightly press on the makis, press it in the middle and try to make a rod from the roll. Expand the makis and remove the film.
  6. We take salmon and cut into thin slices. We put them across the bar and press it lightly against it.
  7. An important culinary touch - add brightness to rolls. And help us in this is the flying fish roe tobiko. It has an orange-reddish hue, a smoked-brackish taste and a crunchy texture. Where does Tobiko take different colors? The fact that it is painted. For example, wasabi gives a green color to the caviar. Ginger - light orange, and squid ink - black. So, sprinkle rolls with multi-colored caviar and give the dish an original look and taste.
  8. Now cut the rolls into several equal parts and lay out on a dish with a Japanese print. We decorate with ginger, wasabi and sesame. We boldly use our creativity in design! We serve our dish to the table with soy sauce.

Well, now you know how to make great rolls of "Philadelphia" at home. Enjoy Japanese cuisine not only in a sushi restaurant, but also in native walls. Tell your friends how great the rolls of "Philadelphia", the recipe of which we have opened for you! Have a nice appetite for you and your whole family!