Undesirable pregnancy in the early stages - what to do?

At many girls at occurrence of a delay of a menses the appearance of some nervousness and experiences is observed. The first thing they do is conduct an express pregnancy test. If it is positive, the question arises as to what needs to be done to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy in the early stages.

What should I do if I have an unwanted pregnancy?

First of all, I would like to say that in such situations, the girl should in no case take any independent action. It is strictly forbidden to resort to the help of various kinds of folk remedies, which, according to the statements of this or that women's Internet forum, work perfectly and help to solve this problem. Using this advice, you can forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to become a mother.

Unwanted pregnancy (best in the early stages) should be interrupted solely under the supervision of doctors.

What are the ways to interrupt pregnancy in its beginning?

It is generally accepted to allocate 2 ways of termination of pregnancy: medicamentous and surgical.

For 14 days after the onset of menstruation, medical abortion can be performed. This method involves the adoption of certain drugs that lead to the termination of pregnancy and the rejection of the fetus. This abortion is carried out in 2 stages: the first woman is offered to drink pills that cause the death of the embryo. After 2 days a woman comes to the doctor again and takes other pills that cause a reduction in the uterine musculature and expel the embryo out.

Surgical abortion is carried out for a period of 6-22 weeks. In such cases, the extraction of the fetus is carried out by special tools. As a rule, vacuum aspiration is used. In this case, a special instrument is introduced into the uterus, with the help of which the fruit is "sucked". This method of abortion is more traumatic. Therefore, the recovery period after such an abortion is much greater.

Thus, I would like to once again say that a woman should not at all think that she should drink (take) from an unwanted pregnancy. In such situations, you need to see a doctor. And the sooner this happens, the better, because at small terms, abortion is less painful for the body, and the likelihood of negative consequences is lower.