Arc of Morachka

The most famous shrine of modern Montenegro is the Monastery of Doug Morachka. Every year, thousands of pilgrims from around the world rush to his walls to pray and ask God about the most important thing.

Let's take a look at the history

The first mention of the monastery dates back to 1252. Legends, preserved to this day, tell us that the original structure was located in the mouth of the Lesser River. However, the constant forays of Osman forced the rulers to move the building into a more secluded place - on the opposite bank of the Moraca River . In the period from the XV to the XVI century. the monastery was abandoned. Restorative work began in the second half of the XVI century. They were headed by Vucic Vuchetich. It was at this time that the monastery began to be called Duga Morachka in Podgorica .

Shrine and destiny of the country

It turns out that it was in the Duga Morache monastery that Tsar Peter III Negosh wrote the great work "The Mountain Crown". Traditions say that the shrine was the main military center. The troops under the leadership of the priest Raphael Simonovich managed to stop the Turkish troops.

Values ​​of the monastery

The main decoration of the shrine is the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, built in 1755. In the cathedral, there remain the unique frescoes depicting the Theotokos and Christ, 11 scenes illustrating the life of the prophet Elijah. The works belong to the artist Dimitry and his son. Not less valuable are the icons of St. Simeon and Sawa written by Kozma.

Arc of Morachka yesterday and today

In the distant past, the monastery was the spiritual center of the tribes of Kuchi, Bratonozhic, Piper. Today Doug Moracca is one of the oldest monasteries in Montenegro and the abode of nuns of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Believers strive to get here to ask God for family and conjugal happiness, the birth of a child.

How to get to the shrine?

The most convenient way to reach the city is by car from Podgorica. Choose the road leading to the town of Kolasin , and follow it to Potoci restaurant. After it, turn right and follow the signs to the bridge over the Moraca River. After the bridge, turn right again. Until the monastery of Doug Morachka there will be only 1 km.