Puncture of follicles with IVF

For IVF, a woman's ovaries are needed, which are extracted when puncturing the ovaries. To increase the probability of fertilization of eggs, you need to take as much as possible, but only one ripens in one cycle. Therefore, preparation for the puncture of the follicles is necessary - the woman is stimulated by the chorionic gonadotropin and other preparations in the ovaries in order to achieve the maturation of as many follicles as possible.

On what day of the cycle will puncture the follicles - appoint a doctor, but this occurs before the onset of ovulation. The follicles are placed in a special medium for maturation, and then fertilize the eggs and embryo is populated in the woman's uterus. Successful sampling of eggs is an important part of IVF, therefore a woman should adhere to the following recommendations:

How is the puncture of the follicles?

The puncture of the follicles is carried out through the vagina under the control of a vaginal ultrasound sensor. For puncture, the size of the follicles should be at least 18-20 mm on ultrasound, with more than 3 mature follicles in the ovary. Puncture is performed under local anesthesia. Fluid obtained during puncture is transferred to embryologists for placement in the incubator before maturation of the egg. After the puncture, the woman is under the supervision of the attending physician for several hours. Such unpleasant symptoms as low-intensity or medium-intensity abdominal pain, minor spotting after the procedure are the norm and rarely necessitate the appointment of anesthetics or other treatment.

Complications that have arisen after the procedure can be recognized by the appearance of severe weakness, dizziness, loss of consciousness, a drop in arterial bleeding, increased pain in the lower abdomen, rapid heartbeat. All these are symptoms of severe bleeding, which may require urgent intervention to stop it.