Serotonin in foods

Happiness is, perhaps, never the achievable blue dream, to which all of us with different zeal strive. Why is it unattainable? Yes, simply because everything around can not be perfect in a jiffy. And the most unpleasant on the way to this "heavenly blue" is that at moments when, it would seem, everything is in the best possible form, some dirty littleness comes to my eyes. So our happiness broke into millions of fragments.

At such times, we need special stimulants, such as, for example, serotonin.

What is serotonin?

In the "people", serotonin is called the hormone of happiness, although this is only half true. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a carrier of nerve impulses, a peculiar means of communication between nerve cells. When serotonin metabolism is established, we feel joy, happiness, interest in life, when there is a failure in its exchange - not only depressive days begin, but also diseases such as schizophrenia, diathesis, migraine, allergies.

Serotonin is not found in foods, it is synthesized in our body. However, in products there is a substance of the precursor of serotonin - tryptophan. This is what we need for a normal serotonin exchange.


In addition to "increasing" happiness, serotonin also has a vasoconstrictive effect, lowers blood pressure, regulates renal and hepatic filtration. Also, stable body temperature and respiration depend on normal serotonin metabolism. Most of all this stuff in the brain. And this is not surprising, because it is the brain that is the accumulation of nerve cells that are not "explained" without serotonin.

The connection of good thoughts and serotonin

Any of us are interested in how to raise the level of serotonin, and thereby, how to raise your mood, self-esteem, self-esteem and contentment with life. The first thing that will help us is positive thinking.

Serotonin is a substance that first comes into contact with thoughts. First a thought arises, then serotonin perceives it and transfers it to nervous cells that react to thought and direct our actions toward the realization of the conceived.

This is a fact, not fiction: good thoughts contribute to the normalization of serotonin metabolism, the bad ones - they violate it. As a result, even schizophrenia can arise, a disease in which the brain has all the necessary substances, but there is no connection, "communication" between cells. There is a disordered and uncoordinated work.

Products |

Of course, we all know about products that enhance the mood. First of all, they include sweets, but they do not work at the expense of increasing serotonin, but due to the release of sugar into the blood, this is not the most useful reaction.

It is much more useful to consume foods rich in serotonin.

First of all, it's chocolate, and, black (and the more the content of cocoa, the better). Another product similar in effect to that containing serotonin is coffee . And for the effect it is not necessary to drink it with sugar.

The famous fruit of happiness is a banana. Everyone, without exception, felt a surge of joy after eating a banana. Other exotic fruits cause the production of serotonin even without consumption, from one smell - citrus fruits, figs, dates, pineapples.

If you go down to more familiar foods, you can also mention beans , millet, buckwheat, tomatoes. They do not contain tryptophan in the same volume, but saturated with vitamins of group B - and for normal metabolism of serotonin, each trace element is important.


It is proved that not only food, but also sports can be a source of serotonin. Active movement, walking in the fresh air, dancing and swimming - after all this we always feel a rush of cheerfulness and joy, which means that serotonin works "right".

It is easy to conclude that to lead a healthy lifestyle is in itself meant to favor serotonin metabolism.